Grim Misadventure #176 - So the New Thing

literally not waht i’m saying
i’m saying at a certain point, you’re respeccing the same char “too” much, so you might as well make a new char for your new build
same reason we have merit and xp potions so we can make those new “same” chars for the different build
if you’re respeccing 628+ times, you’re no longer “experimenting”, you’re remaking entire builds, completely remaking the same char “over and over”, which is not just experimentation, at which point actually just making a char might be both simpler, faster and better
you’re respeccing are respeccing to the point you feel it’s an issue, (despite how easy it is to acquire iron), which means maybe it’s apt to suggest your approach then isn’t really “ideal” for what you’re trying to do/you’re going beyond what the respec system intends/suggests in terms of experimentation amount, ie when you’re respeccing zillions of times, it might just be simpler to actually make a new char

same reason why i have multiple blademasters, infiltrators etc etc, because doing a full build reset over and over was clearly not what the game suggested with its respec feature vs how easy/fast it was to just make a new char

To anyone wanting an increased game speed, just go and play under custom game.

Go to Grim Dawn/mods and create a new folder. For example “SpeedyGD”. Nothing else to do there, your mod is now 1:1 with the main game and will always be up to date.
When you load the mod press ~ to bring up to console and type in: game.Speed 2
You can literally go with any other number, like 3, 20 or 0.69.

With a little bit of digging around the forums you can find out how to plya main campaign characters in custom.


@Zantai Great stuff! The new thing is going to be awesome! Just consider making Rainbow Filter part of the base game. With all the changes from GI regarding loot visibility, RF seems like a no-brainer.

transferring a main char save to custom shouldn’t be an issue, although I’d prefer hard mods that change game speed for example via a config file in a default (i.e. not custom) game.

If, you have no other mods running, the only differense is access to the console… either that or play 1x speed

Wow. Lots of good things in the OP and even some surprising ones.

I would like to say that I’m a little disappointed that no mention of GI’s main menu screenshot features (like blacking out the background and zoom) made the cut.

Fashion Dawn is a thing after all, Zantai, so what say you, can we divert a little programming time to it?

Oh and thank you all for giving the fog removal feature love. That one is slightly personal for me as that’s one feature that I requested Glocken import from GrimCam to be implemented directly into GI. I miss her and I hope everything is well with her.


deal with a huge number of technical problems if you want to do something really useful for the players…

Nice that you keep this wonderfull game allive :slight_smile: is there also the possibility to get a new dlc?

By DLC I’m assuming you mean expansion like AoM and FG. Back in 2019 with the release of FG they had already informed us that there would be no more expansions. It takes them about a year and a half to pump out an expansion for GD and they are also busy making other games right now.

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But they’re obviously teasing some new content, with the snowy area

Yeah this game is way too buggy. Time to go back to Wolcen….


lolwut? The only part of the game that’s cursed with issues is multiplayer, and that’s mostly due to Crate working within the ISO Standards for NAT and UPNP, which a disturbing number of routers etc don’t meet those standards. Especially the ones ISP’s hand out, which from experience are terrible[1] and should be replaced with something better ASAP. There are some work arounds, but due to being a single player only enby I don’t have the details in my memory.

Otherwise, the main issues at present are:

  • Steam Cloud Saves screwing up due to Valve not putting error checking into the cloud save system, so for the sake of all that’s unholy, use local saves only.
  • Anti-virus programs will crash the game eventually, it’s just a case of how long it will take.
  • UPNP checking loop on start up - shows as a black screen on start up that goes away eventually. Triggered by routers/network set ups that don’t do UPNP and NAT to ISO-Standards
  • GPU crashes - usually user end, especially if it’s nvidia and older that the 2000 series, which have an unstable 3D clock and will crash, but not in a predictable pattern.
  • Crash on startup - Usually down to redistributables not installing properly or becoming corrupt due to data errors, which is an entirely user end issue. Best fixed by uninstalling the redists, deleting their installers and temp files, running check disk and then reinstalling. As windows doesn’t always flag bad sectors on HHD’s properly
  • Windows File Permissions Issues - Not Crate’s [REDACTED] Problem. Seriously, go whinge to Microsoft about it, as their failures to fix a decades old issue with file permissions like they did with the Registry Hive is why your settings fail to save or the game can’t save at all.

There are not any Single Player crashes at the moment that are due to the game itself as far as I’m aware. So any issues thus are generally user space issues that the user is ultimately responsible for fixing. I welcome any data that shows otherwise of course, but for the moment, in light of you providing nothing data wise, I think you’re full of [REDACTED].

As for performance issues - Settings exist for a reason, so use them to get better performance and you can also cap your framerates too for better performance/less GPU heat. But there’s a limit to GD’s performance because it’s using DX11 and because Crate don’t have a hoard of engineers and programmers to throw at optimisation. Never mind potential user end issues causing problems too…


[1] Switched from a Huawei one Spark gave us with the fibre install to a 2nd hand ASUS one that costs about NZ$700 new. Result - internet speed went up considerably (24 to 30+ MBs) and I didn’t have to set up data limits to prevent my mum’s smartphone eating up resources and screwing with my ethernet connection. Also, have not needed needed to reset the ASUS one, unlike the Huawei one that needed near weekly hard resets.



Best we’ll probably get is a new side area, I don’t have high hopes of course, but Crate being Crate it should be good.

my suggestion

  • easier to gain negative reputation of Kymon’s Chosen / Order of Death’s Vigil
  • Pet will be automatically toggled on when killed
  • Combine 10 components and 1 component with added random option is created

MOAR! the best ARPG keeps getting better!

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Great news! I am grateful for your work. Maybe we will see the “Wind Devil” changes, maybe “lives 118 seconds” instead of “lives 18 seconds” will improve the miserable existence of the wind. But it’s better to make him immortal, even if he becomes a little weaker. Good luck in your work)


Please add a reset difficulty option to Grim Dawn.
I am a perfectionist and I don’t like my progression to be squandered by a failed quest. When I found out I had an option to save that dude from besieged town and I couldn’t undone that - I deleted my character and played every quest reading through wiki, but this way of playing any game sucks.
Please add an option to reset a difficulty, so I could run through it without making mistakes with my high level character.
I also didn’t use many encounters because I was afraid it might hurt my character, for example where you can challenge a god.
Btw, what’s the good way of dealing with that cannibal village in the dark forest? Kill them or spare?
It could be cool to craft a potion of difficulty forgiveness.
Thank you!

That guy with the two kids in green town is a random coinflip if he joins you or attacks you. Best you can do is forget that he exists.

Barrowholm: join usually, except when needing to farm their cellar for wendigos and arcaneweavers.

Anyone can look up my history but for the past 6+ years i have been begging for a snow themed expansion or DLC or even a patch.

My god this would bring me back. I think the ARPG market is the hottest it’s ever been in years right now.


You are not the only one. I also have 3k hours in this game and i’m actively avoiding classes that have 2 of those 3 skills.

Since it is just crazy that we are getting those toggle skills passively now at this point of development (which is a huge,huge deal), i think this “issue” too should once and for all be fixed with this patch. It should be much easier to have it fixed i’m assuming.