Grim Misadventure #185 - Howl Do You Do

I’ll admit I was thinking of channeling the nova while something else is firing as well (I was imagining Ravenous Earth). Not so sure I particularly care for constant nova skills in general, though (certainly no interest in Eye of Reckoning). I generally like to actually aim. >>;

I HATE the fact that the northern barbarian has been copied so many times in so many RPGs, but it looks like that GD will take that class to its best, most perfect incarnation.

My usual RPG character is anything resembling an Assassin-Scout, so this may not be what i would use, but i would play any class that makes use of item-driven casting! :hushed:

Consider using it for a proc build

That ability seems like the ultimate crucible skill. I hope itll allow for some hybrid pet/caster setups, but while leveling being able to move generally is preferable I’d say.

Question is whether you expect to have to move every third of a second. I don’t know how long it takes for Winds to reach full power (two seconds? three? four?), or how long you’d need it to keep going to dispatch or at least cripple most popcorn enemies.

I was half right!



Side note, Zantai - with all the artwork in the media section (plus those in this Misadventure post) you have more than a dozen pictures ready to be used as an additional in-game loading screens. :slightly_smiling_face:


Came for fur, but most excited about onslaught I think. Interested to see how werestats are managed to make it not an obvious choice/steroid for any non-wps based setup, at least when the RR matches up.

Anyway, game started development in 2010 iirc, was only a matter of time before we got players younger than the age of the game giving their “thoughts”


Wereraven ? Welcome back Jericho Swain !

aaaand now i want dual wield axe throw :sweat_smile:


That berserker art is crazy good.

I wouldn’t mind new arts for some of the vanilla classes.

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Onslaught and Rallying Cry in the same, melee dual wield focused mastery? The Titan Quest influence remains as strong as ever I see.

Exciting stuff!


Oh wow, this looks awesome. :heart_eyes:

Wereraven looks/sounds interesting and fresh. Sign me up.

Onslaught though… will have to wait and see how it applies the stacks. Like is it basically going to be a big %WD Cadence bonk but applied to any skill? If so, seems like it would heavily favor DoT stacking with long durations.

Exciting stuff regardless. Love the 'zerker artwork too.

Maaaan I have waited so long for this. After the utter disappointment of Diablo IV’s Druid (where the transformations are just a cosmetic effect, they do not change your stats or base attacks) this is what I have been waiting for since well, probably Silverfall was the last proper ARPG that had a good transformation mechanic.
I am loving the designs, the Werewolf has an amazing thick mane and great head, awesome glowing eyes too. I wonder if any possible skill changes will maybe change your fur color too? Like, a Chaos Werewolf would be red furred, Aether teal? Though, I do wish it had a tail like the Wendigos.
The Wereraven looks very cool, has that native american vibe. The teeth are a bit weird but add to the creepiness factor (I know, birds do not have them, but humans do… and this is a mix of both),
Very curious how this will work - will the Were-form be one active skill, and the two unlocked special attack skills the passives you can add extra points to, or they come by default? And I am very happy to hear you can make the Were-forms permanent. Suddenly losing all mana and transforming to puny human in the middle of say, the Cow Level was one of my most embarrassing ways of death in D2!

Onslaught sounds cool - and mixes well with the Were-forms. But I am curious if Fire Strike works too with these, so you can do explosive melee swipes!
Winds of Asterkarn is like mixing the D2 Druid’s Hurricane and Sorceress’ Blizzard… seems really powerful! The dual axe skills make this mastery ideally suited to mix with both Nightblade and Shaman (though, if passive attacks skills won’t work with wereforms, mostly the latter).

Man this will be a hard wait. I hope we get some streams showing off the new skills this year, at least.


maybe Runekeeper should be called Exterminator: having learned and received the power of transformation and runes, he has the strength and gave part of himself as a berserker and the desire and tools of an inquisitor to exterminate this or that heresy? (just in case I’m not a fan of Warhammer)

Lol, then what’s the point of the class in that game? The entire reason you want to transform is to get stat changes and new attacks.

Still not a single bear shown, next misadventure better reveal that we are getting bears of each damage type. Also better be an item granted skill that lets the player transform into a bear.

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Maybe a “Singer”, like the D2 barb build might become a viable option? I remember trying to make a build like that but ultimately it fell flat when dealing with nemeses.
Can’t wait to try it again, but first I’m gonna explore all the WereRaven options. I love ravens so Summon Familiar is one of my favorite skills in the game, and having raven pets while becoming a raven myself sounds amazing!

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I’ll be honest, did not look at TQ stuff at all, but I was shocked to discover we hadn’t named anything Onslaught after all these years.

It’s a multiplier on the ability you spend it on. Dot stacking will definitely be very viable with this mechanic, but also if you like big bonks in general.

The wereforms have their own basic attacks, and a baseline cooldown ability.


Are we able to use buff skills like pneumatic burst while we are channeling the winds?