Grim Misadventure #185 - Howl Do You Do

Birb form is best form.


expecting some tucked tail ravager when talking to him transformed like that. :stuck_out_tongue:
also are kymon’s cool with that? :smiley:

Dear developers, @Zantai - please make an option to reset skill points for some fixed amount (it can actually depend on the character level, just like it is with Illusionist) - and don’t count how many times skills were reset.
I really enjoy that feeling when everything is reversible and the game doesn’t count how many skills I returned, how many times my character died, etc.
This will also give more flexibility for those who like to change the builds often.

Or can you introduce a potion that resets all skill points after consuming, in the upcoming update?

About Onslaught - I’m not sure I understand it correctly. Will the Onslaught hits do damage? Or will they only stack the bonuses for the hit that comes after them?

So exciting!! :smile: So happy for the update and excited for the DLC.

Werewolf is for sure a classic! I love the creativity of the wereraven too. My money was on werebear, or maybe yeti.

Really curious to see how it’s implemented now - how it works with conversions and so on.


I will gladly accept FoA as a reward for predicting it correctly :sunglasses:

Also predicted by making this illusion years (?) ago.


Grim Dawn P2W confirmed. We wanted faster movement speed for years and now GD devs put it behind a paywall :wink:

We’ll have to make Veilkeeper Veilwalker of the Screaming Veil build then.


Crate raising the (crow)bar again, this all sounds amazing and my altaholic brain is drooling.

Looking forward to Onslaught + Ring of Steel / Shadow Strike

Also, I can see Onslaught will replace Savagery in a cooldown PS build now…


Looks like the cousin of Wraithbound Bound Wraith of Binding gonna arrive soon™

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Later on you get some passive skills that add X dexterity or strength if you are transformed… But you only stay transformed while you are attacking, and maybe for like 2 seconds afterwards…
Hmm good call, I would not rule out some items or relics that grant you a third form!

Thanks for the info! But I am a bit confused, the initial post shows/mentions a lightning strike Werewolf… I assumed that is achieved by using Savagery as your attack in were form? Or it’s just Shaman auras?

Heh my Beastcaller Ritualist is using one of those! :slight_smile:

Cool! Now I can now have a character who can use Korba’s Fury properly.

Exciting update. Looks awesome! Onslaught reminds me of one of the assassin charge up skills in D2 like Tiger Strike, along with a finishing move to release the energy.

Okay I’ve heard enough GotY 2025

this game needs mercenaries!!

Onslaught charges into a Doom Bolt nuke sounds hilarious, already thinking of builds for these skills.


does the were-forms got their own wps?

Most likely their basic attack is something like blade arc, primal strike, bone harvest skills, so no wps at all, and it seems it also can’t use skill like Cadence, Savagery, Fire Strike etc. unless I’m miss translating what is implied here

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Imagine if that Channeled was allowing us to walk… A Frozen Righteous Fire!!! Man, I would’ve love it so much!!

But yeah, seems an Ice Raven Caster (Mystic?) will be in for me.

Why is there a NEED to have a bear lolol

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Does this mean parts (or all?) of our quickbar get remapped or disabled or replaced?

Eh? Wdym the quickbar got replaced and why would it even got changed?