Grim Misadventure #39: A New U...I

Wow! I haven’t checked in for a while and I have to say I’m amazed. I know you guys are working hard on all kinds of things but I didn’t expect a UI update like this! Really great job, I… I just need to… go stare at those pictures some more (so pretty!)…

So how soon are we talking tonight or this week? :smiley:

Also like the look of the new hp and energy bars, look forward to the next preview hoping to hear about multiplayer progress at some point as well :smiley:

Thanks for Crates dedication to making this game shine.

I really like the HUD design - very elegant. Looking forward to seeing it in action. Thanks, once again, to all at Crate for their hard work.

The new UI and Hud look awesome! A lot cleaner than the old one, which I didn’t quite fancy. Keep it up! :smiley:

agree with everyone els , looks damn fucking good !
… keep it up foks…

I would guess that the bars empty from the middle out, so both will start with the large end and when it hits the small end you are dead or out of gas :slight_smile:

Jaw dropping!

Oh man please tell me act 2 update is seriously within a few days! Really wanting this massive update so bad this UI IS AMAZING! Really makes Grim Dawn its own!

love the new HUD, and can’t wait for Act 2.

thank you Zantai !

Just want this crafting thing badly! And HUD became less old-fashioned.

Love the new HUD, especially about the mini-map. Going to the main map to check some locations gets tedious after awhile since it blocks your entire view.

One thing I noticed though is that I do not see a clock there. Do you still plan on keeping a real time clock on the HUD? Would be nice if so.

I just had an orgasm, thank You.

Now that we are past that, will there be an option to toggle old/different UI setting, or toggle minimap to show at the bottom cause I kinda got used to that.

Btw. Can we have some ETA’s on Act 2 and crafting? I mean specifics please?:stuck_out_tongue: I have to plan my life and work holiday around that!!! come on.

Clock is there…just above player level in center of bottom HUD.

That looks awesome, the UI is much improved and easier to see. I have got used to having the map at the bottom now but will soon get used to it being at the top again :smiley:

Do you have plans to have a scalable UI? I know it has been brought up many times before but it is still painfully small on larger monitors with higher screen res.

Nice !

I can’t wait for Act II… >.<

Its at the Moment like Titan Quest hard to see the tiny HUD on my TV:’(

Hmm. Overlooked it, it looked like just a design in the UI. Thanks.

Medierra has said when i asked him in the last stream that they are thinking about it for the future. He didn’t promise it will be done, but they know some of us have an issue with the scaling in higher resolutions and maybe they will look in to it.

Well even if its not done by the devs, eventually someone will make a mod for it. :wink:

For Titan Quest i`m still on the quest of finding such a Mod for the Game:-)

Looks really great! I started up a new character last night in prep for Act 2, so hopefully by the time I max him out to 25, act2 will be upon us :slight_smile: