Grim Misadventure #68: Mandated Reputation

4 days too next update, sounds awasome.

Anticipation and patience fml! :cool:

Is b25 really coming today?

No, but the next Grim Misadventure is.

No, well more than likely no anyway. Grim Misadventure #69 is coming today.

where is the update? :eek:

The developer update Grim Misadventure #69: Nemesis is what was expected, not a game update. :rolleyes:

So I play on Veteran mode. I’ve reached revered with Devil’s Crossing and THOUGHT I could buy one of the two items to improve rep faster on my other characters, boy was I disappointed. There’s an item that gives me 100% rep on NORMAL difficulty and one that gives me 50% rep on ELITE difficulty.

Crate, you need to implement another item that works on Veteran too. And don’t tell me to go and play the game on NORMAL difficulty first to get one for VETERAN. It should already be available for purchase right now imo.

This S-U-C-K-S!

Veteran is just a difficulty modifier for Normal mode; the item that doubles REP gain on Normal mode works on Veteran, too.

what you talking about?..

you can buy them with 1 character on which you are revered on and share them with your other characters through the shared stash (you already play NORMAL mode only with some extra mob/hero spawns with VETERAN)

My thanks for the explenations guys. I’m happy once again.

Let’s be honest though. From the description on the item I couldn’t have known this. It referes to normal difficulty and I selected ‘veteran’ as difficulty. Noone ever told me Veteran difficulty is basically Normal+.

As far as I’m concerned there’s no way I could’ve deducted this information by using ingame information. Crate needs to update this tooltip.

i have pm’ed you, if you want to add me on steam: Dikkiedik1992

Did I understand it correctly that your reputation will be resetted when entering the next difficulty? - Both reputation for friendly and enemy factions?

This will allow you to reselect which faction you ally with on higher difficulties between the Death’s Vigil and Kymon’s Chosen.

Well, I’d gladly refuse that opportunity if I could keep my reputation progress. I suppose the vendors won’t sell higher level items, will they?

On a second thought: Okay, maybe it’s good that you can’t run across a nemesis spawn when just entering the second or third difficulty. But other than that … Hm.

Three tiers of rep items are up on Gracefuldusk.

Faction Armor is available in level 35, 50, and 70 versions (in the gamefiles, at least) probably corresponding to Normal, Elite, and Ultimate difficulties. Likewise, there are three tiers of Augments as well, denoted by the Roman Numeral at the end of the Augment’s name, i.e., Uroboruuk’s Anguish I, II, III.

I imagine that Faction Jewelry also scales with difficulty, though I’m unsure of the level ranges.

40, 55, 75

The game isn’t finished so a lot of players are farming for reputation… but let’s be honest, you’re not supposed to farm in Normal difficulty forever.