[Grim Tools] Builds

There was an issue with thread title parsing. It’s fixed and your build now shows up in the build list.

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Hi. It seems to me builds are sorted by their creation date.
How about sorting them first by game version to promote the most up to date builds and encourage updating?
I updated a build thread from 1.1.7.x to and it’s buried still by a ton of old builds.

Fair point! For now I retained sorting by created_date desc for initial results (“Recently added builds”), but if any filter is applied, e.g. game version, then it will be sorted by build_version_base desc, updated_date desc (previously it was sorted by build_version_base desc, created_date desc).

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Hmmm… I don’t think it works or maybe the threads need to be bump to be reparsed / resorted?
Builds created by tqFan - Grim Dawn Builds
(You can see builds at the bottom of the list)

The logic is working correctly, but there seems to be a problem with caching (it just doesn’t refresh when a build is updated, only when it’s added). I’ll have to look into this.

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@Dammitt Could you please look at these two builds? For some time these threads were owned by me but they are not anymore (I suspect for weeks now) yet they still belong to me in the database (scroll at the end to see them) Builds created by tqFan - Grim Dawn Builds

I updated the author manually for these two builds.


@Dammitt Hi, haven’t you thinked about adding a text note field for each build? So we can have a quite standalone build repository with written guides in it. Text editor with simple markdown support shouldn’t be a big problem to implement. Now you have to constantly switch between sites/videos to track the build especially while leveling a new one.

Another nice but quite more complex thing is an ability to have several build iterations on one page. Like buttons to switch between builds. Useful for slight build variations and especially leveling guides by level breakpoints.

@Dammitt GT is missing the +1 summon limit to wendigo totem for the “bone sycthe” FYI! :slight_smile:

EDIT: Nvm, I’m blind.
Scythes bellow Lv 70 don’t seem to have it.

Thanks for the suggestions, both are somewhere on my todo list. Not sure what the exact implementation will be, but I wanted to implement this one way or the other.

Builds is missing 4 builds of @S.E.P_Ralf. Up to now he posted 13 builds, but your tool only lists 9 of them.

Missing are the four checked ones, which required moderator action, as they were originally posted in the Build Compendium instead of their own threads.

So medea split the bottom three, whereas I created a new topic in my name and transferred ownership to him for the Trozan mage.

Do you see what is going on? is it a glitch you can fix, or is something wrong with these four topics?


@Dammitt As I really like to use Grim Tools as a Builds Compendium due to its various features (for example it makes finding some particular builds I vaguely remember very easy due to its filters), I always try to popularize it. I also found Stupid_Dragon adding numerous builds manually and not using the forum otherwise a bit sadge.

So far I haven’t seen many people asking how to adjust their build guides for the parser to include them probably mostly because the parser works with decent precision already and the popularity of it is not that high (and people not caring to be included in some compendium of course).

I hope that with increased popularity and feedback, we can reach a point (we’re very close though or maybe even already there) where there’s a minimal work needed from anyone (builders adjusting their threads and far less frequently you adding threads to parser’s exception list or adjustment by moderators).

I believe it can be done by build guide creators learning parser’s requirements (on their own or advised in their threads by me for example) and you tweaking the parser’s algorithms a bit if needed.

@eisprinzessin Thanks for trying it out too.

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@Dammitt Thanks for your work here! my Question:

is my build not getting crawled because it lacks a video and if so can i get an exception?

i still think its helpfull even without one that shows me running thou an SR :frowning:

There are definitely build guides without videos accepted by GT Builds so it cannot be a hard rule although it might have some impact :thinking:

My builds, everything after seems to be missing from GT builds, not sure why.

Examples - Nocturne – "Pet" Conjurer,
Dark Rose - Lazy Dark One’s Set Budget Pet Conjurer,
Creamy Fwuffy - Traumatized Warlord

So, at some point GT build parser started to parse only those forum threads that have videos (from youtube). That’s the main reason why a build guide doesn’t show up.
I wanted to make some kind of fix for this, fetching guides from forum if they are “detailed”. Basically if the first post of the thread contains a lot of text, something along these lines. Because posting GT link + couple sentences of couple pictures and no videos doesn’t make it a guide in my opinion.

Because posting GT link + couple sentences of couple pictures and no videos doesn’t make it a guide in my opinion.

I agree with that, but for the most part the videos dont rly do anything (for me personaly) i hope you implement a fix for that, i like reading the thougths and detailed guides but basicly never watched the SR runs or things like that

To elaborate on that: I usually just look at the Titel of the build seeing what it can achive and then look at the Build so for me, for a long time the Forum link is a rarely clicked link. most if not all of the relevant information edgecases withold are in the GT link and there is quite frankly no value in videos that offer no Narration of any kind.

I am confused, is GT builds supposed to be for build posts or only for guides?

I ask mostly because of this -

Build Guides.

ah, ok :+1: