GrimSheet: Endgame Build Table - ETE edition [v1.41]

Next chance I get to pour through Crucible videos for my next thread update, I’m going to add a section in my Skills Compendium for “top Crucible builds” to showcase how good a particular type of build could get. There’s a lot of really good Crucible runs which will greatly help in populating your list. I can also help you out in finding how well pet builds are going post-nerfs, as I know Duskdeep has updated some of his builds for

Gotta do something to help contribute to make up for the “bad” builds that I post.

I could link up some of Duskdeep’s builds now:
Lightning Beastcaller’s Conjurer success through SR115
Transmuted Blight Fiend Cabalist got himself dead at SR100 (he could probably do it EZPZ if it were SC mode)

It’ll take me a while, but I’m sure non-transmuted Ghol’s Ritualist can easily get up there in SR. Someone other than me will have to take it through Crucible since my times are easily 2 min+ worse than everyone elses.