GrimSheet: Endgame Build Table - ETE edition [v1.41]

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Please do, you will be my hero. I am currently working on developing one but I am at a loss of what direction to go for multiple things to achieve optimum Acid HoG glory.

Hellborn was nerfed but @thejabrixone one was good, maybe someone will update it. Also Virtue should be great, classical fire devotions route or shield focus+Empyrion. Possible problem is lack of +skill points and I am not sure about Serenity there. @tqFan wants Fire FoI but I personally prefer Purifier or Mage hunter. Judgment tank was one of my favorite early FG era builds and can be SR machine no doubt about it.

Purifier is also easy class for updates. Ranged DW or 2H can be godly in Crucible and still decent enough in SR.

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I think my physical rune paladin fits the bill.

I know the post title says but itā€™s been updated since then. Iā€™m sure I could give it a one over and make it a little faster too. Sub 5 crucible and Iā€™m sure it can do Sr 85 if I bothered to remake and test it.

The most recent video I made

Plasmo has a video of a near 4:30 somewhere

I could make a build post about my ranged retal paladin but need to find better shield first :stuck_out_tongue: and maybe change medalā€¦

[v1.23] Changelog is finished.
Waiting for updated paladins and purifiers (especially for acid horn paladin)


God yes, me too! Acid Horn of Gandar Paladinā€¦ could be pretty interestingā€¦ Something that came to mind while I have been trying to piece one together- is there any way to convert the flat Pierce or Elemental from Inquisitor Seal to Acid?

In farming bees and cronley

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I refuse to believe, with such great build diversity as this game has, that farming bees and cronely is the best an Acid HoG Paladin build could aspire to. There must be a way to build it. There must! I will not stop trying until I find it.

Oh, you donā€™t speak ā€˜ā€˜eliteā€™ā€™ language. Bees are 65-66 and Cronley is MC in their language. Interesting means weak and meme means dead.


Looking back, I got way more enjoyment out of farming cronley -> bees -> arkovia -> solael pants -> steps of torment than I do running high SR. Donā€™t try to become a ā€œfull timeā€ GD stash builder folks.

Need to take one of these builds and level + gear it from scratch I think


But once you go full mamba you never go back. Nothing really beats the enjoyment a new game gives you tho.


Take part in the SF season that @RektbyProtoss and a few others are trying to organize. I would sign up, but I know I wont have the free time to play as much as I would like. Hopefully Iā€™ll get back to a full crew by January, then maybe for season 2 I can join the fun. (And finally get around to setting up a stream)

Maybe not the right place for this but oh great toot master, hear my prayers. Ive just had my first exposure to establishing ADCtH on a skill- and that skill is Acid HoG! Ive gotten 13% ADCtH through devotions and its affecting HoG due to weapon damage in the skill, from my understanding. In the moments when I have used it in a crowd its functioning like another heal skill that explodes enemies in a giant radius- pretty rad.

Senpai, please enlighten me! How effective have you found ADCtH to be on HoG, in late game?

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Pretty insanely effective if you are surrounded by lots of enemies, but also dangerous because you are surrounded by lots of enemies! Toot with caution, young tooter, lest you draw the ire of more enemies than you can handle between toot cooldowns

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Hi all,
Iā€™d Just noticed all inquisitor+X seems pretty low in the ranking.
Best one is infiltrator 10th then vindicator 19thā€¦ All other between 24 and 36.
So does inquisitor mastery is weaker than the others at endgame ?
Or just does not fit the current ā€œmetaā€ and no data (like the paladin) ?

Well, itā€™s the mixture of the two.

Infiltrator is among the top, however itā€™s itemization was a bit nerfed in the past (Change on Nadaanā€™s Conversion and multiple flat damage removal). Still on of the best in terms of CR performance though.

Vindicator was a meta-slave in AoM times, people got bored with it. It lacks any variety, it just about lightning andā€¦ lightning (and lightning also was nerfed). Also, Inq got nerfed a lot of times - box nerfs, seal nerfs, censure nerfs. But iā€™d say that the biggest issue there is beforementioned lack of diversity - itā€™s mostly totems.

Tactician isā€¦ well, i donā€™t know what it is. After consecutive nerfs of inqā€™s offensive side, itā€™s only really strong spell is RoE (otherā€™s arenā€™t bad, but they canā€™t lift countersynergetic combo w/o any adequate item support) and Soldier for cold caster seems like a joke. Also, contrary to popular belief, itā€™s pretty fragile in SR. And again, soldier doensnā€™t make much sense for smth like pierce BA/Cadence, 'cause blademaster will always be better.

Purifiers - should still be good, but most builds are outdated and it doesnā€™t perform well in SR.

Apostate - it used to be the weakest class since the realease of AoM if iā€™m not mistaken. But people still try to build around it and some of them have succeeded.

Mage Hunters - most builds are outdated, still a solid choice.

Deceiver - poor itemisation and absolute absense of strong offensive skills in both masteries.

Paladin - usually doesnā€™t make much sense when you can go shieldbreaker/purifier. Again, not very distinct itemization.

Overall, i wouldnā€™t say that the inquisitor is the weakest one: it used to be OP in the early AoM days - got nerfed a couple of time. Now itā€™s just below average, if comparing only masteries makes any sense.


I guess the release of oathkeeper made purifier unpopular by default because there isnā€™t really any good fire skill for inquisitors to warrant going for purifier instead of shieldbreaker. And it always had sorc to compete against and arcanist only got better when spirit dumps became popular.


Iā€™m going to update my old Allagast soon. Finally managed to make it work :grava_yes:


@grey-maybe, your post seems to confirm than all combos with inquisitor are quite weak, except infiltrator and mage hunter. thatā€™s not muchā€¦ Maybe Inquisitor need some buff :slight_smile: