Grimtool Item database usability hack

Is there a way to ask grimtool to only show one version of each item ? (especially for monster infrequents)
I tried to limit search by item/character level to about 82 (which cuts out most duplicate versions) but that also means it won’t show relics with level requirement of 60 and 70.

Any trick ?
(I know @tqfan is pretty handy with that :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Thanks for the reply, the link, and for putting my question in the right subforum :slight_smile:

I do that too (advanced search) but 80.
Usually to somewhat circumvent these problems I search for only one Item type at once in advanced search.
I’ll try to come up with something better :thinking:

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Awesome, thanks! :smiley:

I was curious so I checked: The only thing 82 excludes vs 80 is the “stanching” magic prefix, which for some reason doesn’t have a higher level version.

It does however remove 117 other affixes that are redundant :slight_smile:

All in all, the difference is pretty insignificant

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I sometimes search for Legendaries / Epic items too and there are some 80 level ones :slight_smile:

Really ?
Maybe I messed up my search then… :thinking:
I searched for everything between level 80 and 81 inclusively and only found prefixes.

Are you sorting by character level or item level ? (and what’s the real difference ? )

Edit: I just rechecked, and maybe I’m doing something wrong: when I use character level I only get magic prefixes, and when I use item level I only get blueprints

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You’re right, I imagined these 80 lev items :wink:

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From grim tools OP:

  • You can search using regular expressions if you put the query in slashes, e.g. /[^%] aether damage/ to find items that provide flat aether damage

With this you can match any item with level 90+, have relics and components
/(Level: 9|relic|component)/

Items that are dispalyed have one of the 3 critirea in their description: “relic” or “component” or “Level: 9”.

After some research I came to conclusion that everything is possible if you know regex well.
Unfortunately I don’t so it’s PITA for me but I managed to filter out MI’s that are not 94 from the search

All items that Reduce Freeze except MI’s of levels other than 94:

/reduced freeze((?!level: ([0-8]|9\n)[\s\S]*MI\n)[\s\S])*$/

(you need to copy & paste the link or search query because it’s to long for hyperlink it seems)

NOW YOU CAN COPY (there was a problem with *'s now showing so I had to escape them in the post \* so that they display and can be copied properly.

You should be able to use this for your searches to hide low level MI’s

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That’s pretty cool :slight_smile:
for some reason it shows MI that are level 70 and below, and then jumps to level 94
I know NOTHING of this, but maybe the “0-8” part needs to be written differently ?

Edit: nevermind I’m dumb…

As you can see from your quote, * (stars) are not shown in the quote :frowning:
Is it working for you now?

It’s ok, I’m just confused: just because it’s green doesn’t mean it’s an MI :rofl:
Those things I saw were faction gear

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Is there a way to replace “MI” with “rare” in general to cut those as well ? :slight_smile:

Could you be precise in what Rares would you like to cut?
Do you want to leave 90+ rares?

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Yeah, basically. Sometimes they repeat as well.

Come to think of it, wouldn’t it be easier to go the other way around ?
Cut everything level 80 and below EXCEPT relics ?

This would also get rid of “empowered” Epic and level 75 legendary.

but this way you’re left with 84 MI’s
also there are components / augments with lower level

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That’s true… :thinking:

Nevermind then :smiley:
Same thing you did first, but also cutting faction gear duplicates

I need to try it some other time / learn regex properly from the ground up first :laughing:

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