[GrimTools] Build Calculator

There is a small annoying thing I have: Every time GT is loaded the “Shows min-max values” items option is become enabled. Even if I turn it off it helps only until the next page refresh.

same here with Chrome. didn’t happen before and i agree it’s a little annoying. maybe it was the other way round before and min/max is more popular than average values but it’s too many numbers for my small mind :stuck_out_tongue:

My character is wearing Cryptstalker mace (new in and when I import that character into the calculator it can’t load that weapon at all.

Is there any chance that you can make devotion view-able in mobile device? :slight_smile:

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Yeah this is super annoying for me also. :frowning: My weak brain can’t parse all the split numbers, it just looks like gibberish and I have to go into the settings to turn it off.
If it has to be that way might be better if it was a one click toggle rather then a three menu click?

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I had this problem for some time but in reverse. It was always average values and switching it to min/max didn’t save.

there is no update for the offline version ?

version is still if I made link

Could you please make it possible to fill the trees out with a single click? I know about holding shift, but even that requires some clicking, and I sometimes just use my wireless mouse in the couch while browsing the web and don’t want to bother with a keyboard.

If we could click the numbers at the bottom to instantly fill up the mastery to a point, that would be great. I mean the 1-5-10-15-20-25-32-40-50 at the bottom. If I click i.e. 40 then fill the mastery to 40 instantly.


Run this simple program (it can be running permanently on your computer).
It will fill up the Mastery bar and Skills with a single Middle Mouse Button click:

The source code

Menu, Tray, Icon , *, -1, 1
#SingleInstance Force
#IfWinActive Grim Dawn Build Calculator

    Loop, 9
        Send +{Click}
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Thanks, but no thanks. Not interested in running an application just to occasionally avoid clicking in a game tool, even if the application is tiny. I do appreciate you trying to help though.

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Updated to


tks for u work, have a good day

Thanks for updating the tool.

However, the problem remains that the description of items added in GDv1.1.6.0 is still in English.
Couldn’t you fix it?

Just in case, that this problem only occurs in English-Noun version (ja_e). There is no problem with the complete Japanese version (ja).

I literally didn’t make any changes in code in the last several months. Can it be something on your end? Are Japanese translations still supposed to be loaded from Сrate or is there an archive with translations somewhere?

It’s strange. I have not made any special changes.
Anyway, I’ve uploaded the new files for this hotfix-2 to Crate now, so please try using it.

will there be no offline downloadable for the updated Grimtool Database?

Offline tool r not working, rar are corrupted. Can someone fix this?

gd-build-calc-1.12.0-v1.1.5.2-win64.zip: Unexpected end of archive

and is the same with the rest of file there.


I just tried extracting it. No problems whatsoever doing so. Your file either corrupted when you downloaded it or something is going on with whatever extraction tool you are using. Personally, I use 7zip to handle such tasks.


Also, keep in mind that the offline version is for an older version of Grim Dawn. It has not been updated to the latest game version yet.

i use winrar, and have download it several time and always get the same error. will try again. thanks

do u know any other site where i can download it. i know that has not been updated to the last version but i need offline version for calc, database and map.