I am fine without it. It is a really good reference tool, that I hardly ever use, unless someone insists that I post a GT link for my build. And since I rarely ask for help with my builds, since I enjoy playing self-found-no-shared-stash-thrown-together-on-the-fly builds, to see how far I can take them… Grim Tools is a very good reference tool, to play around with items I have on hand, and see what skills I want to put points into. But, not a necessity. For me, anyway.
Hopefully Dammit will be able to find a better hosting service to get it back up and running on, without breaking his bank. Meantime, everyone screaming for it to come back NOW should be dropping him a few dollars on Patreon, to help him pay for the hosting of it. Since it isn’t free, like using GT is.
Don’t mean to be inquisitive, but is this Crate’s official stance on this, shall I say, crisis? Pls look around what’s happenning in build threads. Ppl are typing down stats from items asking for advice
If I had to guess (or atleast with some bias) I would say the reason why GT has become so important is because it displays more info than available ingame and saves a lot of time that woud otherwise be spent with a calculator.
And that is speaking of the calculator alone. The map, checklist, monster/pet/item database add even more usefulness to the site as a whole.
+1 to Supporting Dammitt though. Also, if maybe in the far future, crate decides to adopt it or create their own version of it, +1 to that too. Hell, they could even bundle it with one of their loyalist packs or Crucible DLC or something if they want to, though they are probably too nice to monetize something so integral.
Unless I’m mentally limited for that, too, like everyone else you offended a few posts above. Which is pretty much everyone who ever shared, reviewed, discussed or followed a build on these forums. Kindly back off.
Nah. Considering that 1) My reply you just quoted was actually being joking/helpful and by no means was offensive, and 2) mentally limited was deen’s words - not mine (or rather they had phrased it limited mind. Essentially twisting what I actually said into what they, and you, wanted to read it as). You’d know that tho if you actually read what I had wrote, and 3) NOW you can go and officially get yerself bent since you decided you wanted to pursue a vendetta with nothing valid to pursue it with.
And here, for posterity, let me set the record straight about what I actually said which first one person and then you, twisted into an entirely different meaning. Pat yerself on the back for so thoroughly misquoting a mf’er.
It seems like people are blowing this issue way out of proportion. Can’t people like, you know , play the game and optimize their build once they reached lvl 94? It’s not like GT makes the endgame items of your build instantly spawn once you get to 94. If you don’t have the items of your dream build, you’ll have to use whatever else is available in your stash until you get them.
Sure, everyone has a right to an opinion. If you can’t voice it without belittling others then it’s your problem. No matter the word count in your rebuttals, these things ooze from every post of yours: disagree with me in the slightest and face ridicule and bullying from Zantai’s best buddy.
Text editing is a part of my real life job, BTW. There are five or six accounts of verbal aggression in your post above, two accounts of offensive language, just about every sentence includes a degree of sarcasm.
There is a word for what you’re doing down there. Ostracizing and showing aggression to anyone who strays from the one and only truth that is your truth. This word is fascism. Deny it all you want but Deen didn’t find your remark “joking/helpful.” I don’t think anybody did. But you’ll surely lash out at anyone who dares say otherwise.
Back to the topic of gt.
How many screenshots do you need to convey all the information from a gt link? I estimate somewhere between one hundred and one thousand screenshots. 23 for each item and res overcap to begin with.
Along with using a calculator every time you want a base dmg value of anything. With no gt, you need to add global % and spirit/cunning % and then divide what you see in game by it. To preview dmg scaling on a single skill you need to do this calculation 18-26 times. First you need to find gear and spend mats just to have access to these ranks and numbers. In legit game, you have to spend hours farming mats just to see how different components fit.
In a word, building at a certain level is impossible without gt. Especially in a legit game. No amount of denial or trivializing the matter will change that. I don’t wanna antagonize players who never use gt. I just wanna appeal to your sense of tolerance and respect for diversity. Just because you don’t need it doesn’t mean that claims of those who do are irrelevant.