Had a stroke 7 years ago, shoulder pain, alternative control ideas? ergonomics to play grim dawn?

so i had a stroke 7 years ago and the right side of my body is always tense and stiff, it makes it very difficult to play for long periods of time

i have tried a track ball mouse, vertical mouse, neither of those worked, the steam controller seems to be pretty good, but it lacks precision when it comes to targeting specific enemies, i was thinking of trying a tablet with a drawing pen, but un sure how that would work,

i also am using the leap series v2 chair so ergonomically i am ok, and posture wise

so my question is, has anyone heard of any methods i have not mentioned to mitigate the pain of using keyboard and mouse, ( or an alternative)

Maybe a program that significantly reduces number of buttons could be of use to you [Tool] GDAutocaster - play 🎹 builds with ease, autocasting of skills, combos, faster / automatic camera, autohiding of items, centered Inquisitor Seal and more for all games!

  • For example a build with 9 buttons can be often made to just need 2 buttons, i.e. LMB + RMB

  • Temporary buffs starts are autocast periodically after you launch the game.

  • All permabuffs are cast with 1 button

  • Debuffs can be set up to be cast after you press RMB once one after another
    and if you keep holding you use your spam attack afterwards.

  • Movement skills can be made to me spammed after double LMB click & hold.

I assume a tablet with a drawing pen could be used with this program so that you can use just that?

Or learn to use mouse with your left hand and use just that (with the program above)?


The only thing that come in mind is this, don’t know if it will help with the game or even if it’s adaptable for it, but you can take a look.

thanks, those are all helpful :slight_smile:

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