Hey all, I’ve been a forum member for a few days now but I just bought my Legendary Key today.
Most games that come out today just aren’t my cup of tea - so I realized I simply had to support a game like Grim Dawn that appeared to be exactly the kind of game I wanted to play.
Thanks to all at Crate for the work you did on TQ (which I enjoyed), and here’s hoping GD turns out even better. I look forward to seeing how things go.
As for me, I’ve been playing computer games since the Atari came out I’m a fan of fantasy-style games mostly. My first true fantasy game experience was Ultima IV, and I loved it! Been playing anything remotely fantasy related ever since (of many genres - Diablo, Oblivion, Bard’s Tale, and many games that I’ve long since forgotten).
Not that I only play fantasy games - if you’re a Team Fortress 2 player, add me as your friend - I’m The Chowder Howitzer on TF2.
See you all around…