Hardcore Warlord - Stuck at SR20 - Not Enough Damage - Any Advice?

@asiantallguy Keep being a jerk? I’m just defending my position after being attacked. I am thankful for all the help, it could have been delivered in a more respectful manner.

The author clearly stated what he was trying to do and got a lecture about not playing the game in accordance to how someone else enjoys it, he defended himself and you make him the jerk.

The two of you are the jerks trying to gatekeep someone from completing the achievements just because he tried to do it by himself in a manner you don’t approve of.

@ahfodder I can’t help you sadly, I don’t know nearly enough about the game but I do hope you will manage to complete your current task. Good luck.

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@VitalPower I appreciate the response, my friend. :slight_smile: As a new user I was a little taken aback by the lack of decorum here!

Imo you both read to much into this. I don’t see anything rude / offensive about ya1’s post, quite the contrary. He didn’t call you a noob.

By no ‘business doing SR20’ he suggested it’s not efficient to do endgame with an unfinished build. Which is true and often a good advice for new players to focus on it unnecessarily. For example 50 lev players with uncapped resists trying to beat Mogdrogen. No need it get triggered about it if you want to do it anyway (for achievements and then forget about HC). I don’t see the ‘gatekeeping’ you mention either.

Dunno, maybe it’s nationality which I share with ya1 / not being native speaker because I also was accused of ‘attitude’ talking in the same manner and also didn’t see anything rude about it. Or maybe it’s just a text way of communication - without gesture / voice it’s easy to misinterpret things.

Imo the way ya1 writes, I mean jokes for example, clearly shows it’s not his intention to offend you:

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Have you carefully read what ya1 told you to do ?
He give you infor:

why push SR (and on HC…) without endgame gear?

SR is an endgame challange. You’re just gonna dieBlockquote

He give suggestion to improve the build:

farm rogues or do Crucible 130-150 to get better gear and blueprints

First, max dmg skills if anything. Use Fervor and Aegis on a retal build? Why only one-point Reprisal and Retribution (and not invest in Avenging Shield for AoE)? These nodes must be maxed or put at a nice point break.

I agree with his conclusion is little bit harsh but you stated that he is attacking you is completely wrong. And i might be a little bit overreact and I’m sorry, but telling people that trying to help you even a little bit to back off is not cool man.

You came asking strangers to advise you on a video game mechanics and ended up leading a discussion on my personal style of communication and… decorum? Whatever…

Anyways, here’s fixed build as much as the lvl 50 gear allows. Warlord, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator. Feel free to ask why this or that. Oh, build has no sustain so you’ll die as soon as you start taking real dmg. Switch some devotion to Dryad or Behemoth once you feel like you start taking hits.

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lol @ this thread :rofl:

@ahfodder Ignoring the way ya1 phrased his feedback, all of what he said is good advice if you want to start improving your character. Retaliation by endgame is heavily dependent on getting good gear for the bulk of your damage bonuses as Stupid_Dragon wrote a guide on.

Like tqFan said, I doubt his advice was meant to be offensive as you’re asking experts for help and received some hints. If you take issue with it, all I can say is to try grow a thicker skin while you’re on internet forums, at the least he didn’t outright insult you :man_shrugging:

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Loving the discourse and sentiment analysis here. Please continue everyone! :popcorn:

“The feeling of being ‘offended’ is a warning indicator that is showing you where to look within yourself for unresolved issues.”

Bryant H McGill


@Foehammer I literally lol’d and my child got scared. Thanks for the laughs. Any other words of wisdom to share?

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No, you’d just get offended. :rofl:


I like getting offended though. Good to be in touch with your emotions!


IMO just farm totems for a couple of hours to get better gear. If it has phys retal on it, wear it. Farm ugdenblooms. Max out any skill that has retal bonuses. You want to get hit as a retal build. Get your DA much lower.

Thanks @fizzo_man. What are your favourite totem-farming routes?

The best is :

Act 1 every portal. Open map and look for totem icon. No icon move to the next one. Then do same for act 2. Kill the bug boss by the arkovian city and then go do the coliseum for the 50% spawn of the celestial totem. Then jump to blood grove and do the 2 or three that pop up there. Takes just a few minutes each run and has massive returns.

I refuse to use GD stash and reset my inventory regularly so I am always needing to refind all my recipes and gear.

@fizzo_man seems like a good run so far. Who is the bug boss near Arkovian City?

This is honestly the best possible response to the current trend of people accusing each other of being mad or offended, so good on you.

Your biggest gap is probably just itemization, so keep farming. I assume the bug boss mentioned previously is the queen bee boss that is found in the underground hives in the arkovia region, but honestly just pick your favorite route that lets you kill lots of heroes and bosses. There are small min-maxing changes that ya brought up, but getting assassin’s mark is probably going to be your biggest immediate DPS increase. Resist reduction is king, so most people put a high priority on obtaining it when they can.

at the twin falls portal go left and in the hive is the wasp Ulraprax. Low HP “boss”.

The run is also so good that it rivals what you can get out of SR for legendaries per hour. The only downside other than the tedium is that there are no boss MIs.