Just curious what you did and how you did it. Thanks!
Here is a basic example. Starting with:
You can find that the dead body just outside of DC uses:
as its loot source, but in that record you can find:
> r2$loot1Name1
[1] "records/items/misc/potions/potion_healtha01.dbr"
> r2$loot2Name1
[1] "records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscall_x01.dbr"
that there are two loot tables associated with the loot from this container.
The first one is a basic health potion drop and the second one (records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscall_x01.dbr) is yet another “loot table” called a LootMasterTable that further references each of the following loottables
[1] "records/items/loottables/geartorso/ltx_torsocaster.dbr"
[2] "records/items/loottables/gearaccessories/ltx_necklace.dbr"
[3] "records/items/loottables/gearaccessories/ltx_ring.dbr"
[4] "records/items/loottables/misc/lt_potions.dbr"
[5] "records/items/loottables/weapons/ltx_axe1h.dbr"
[6] "records/items/loottables/weapons/ltx_blunt1h.dbr"
[7] "records/items/loottables/weapons/ltx_sword1h.dbr"
[8] "records/items/loottables/weapons/ltx_gun1h.dbr"
[9] "records/items/loottables/weapons/ltx_gun2h.dbr"
[10] "records/items/loottables/weapons/ltx_melee2h.dbr"
[11] "records/items/loottables/weapons/ltx_shield.dbr"
[12] "records/items/loottables/geartorso/ltx_torsoheavy.dbr"
[13] "records/items/loottables/geartorso/ltx_torsolight.dbr"
[14] "records/items/loottables/gearhead/ltx_headcaster.dbr"
[15] "records/items/loottables/gearhead/ltx_headheavy.dbr"
[16] "records/items/loottables/gearhead/ltx_headlight.dbr"
[17] "records/items/loottables/gearlegs/ltx_legs.dbr"
[18] "records/items/loottables/gearhands/ltx_hands.dbr"
[19] "records/items/loottables/gearfeet/ltx_feet.dbr"
But when you look inside, for example the top one, “records/items/loottables/geartorso/ltx_torsocaster.dbr”, this record has hardly anything and points to another record
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "templateName" "database/templates/leveltable.tpl"
[2,] "Class" "LevelTable"
[3,] "levels" "1"
[4,] "records" "records/items/loottables/geartorso/tdynx_torsocaster_a01.dbr"
But once you get to “records/items/loottables/geartorso/tdynx_torsocaster_a01.dbr”, you start to actually see some loot and prefixes and suffixes and stuff.
At some point in this chain, you want to mod a record. But since a lot of the records on the path to this last record are likely used elsewhere, you have to duplicate multiple records, give them new names along the way and then change the second record I talked about “records/items/lootchests/questchests/questchestloottables/chestloot_intropotions.dbr” to refer to your new record instead of “records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscall_x01.dbr” and keep making changes all the way down the chain until you get to the last record where you actually added the loot you want.
If you followed that, well, I guess you now have all the legendaries dropping right at the start of the game.
Good Luck.
Fantastic. I appreciate you leading a man to water
no wonder it took so long to develop this game
At first glance sure, and it probably is a bit over complicated for historical reasons, but there is extreme flexibilty this way too.
Yeah, this method is actually “good design.” I expect either a drag and drop GUI tool for editing the eventual loot table, inherit a template (this is my expectation) or the ability to copy paste + template. So much easier than those hex edits in D2…
Bolded for emphasis…I know we have some hobby coders here coughCenocough, but has anyone attempted to make an easy(ier) to use .net app or java app to add/edit loot and loot tables into the game?