Has anyone had more crashes in Main Campaign recently?

Just checking if it’s just on my end (i.e. due to Grim Internals) or more players have it.
I never had crashes in Main Campaign and had 3 recently in random moments.

Hi, no sudden crashes here…

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Thanks, I’ll try reinstalling the game. And then if I get another crash maybe not using GI.

i’ve had a strange influx of crashes since 9.4
i’ve done a reinstall of the game since then and it seems to have alleviated most of it (for now) :crossed_fingers:

if you haven’t done it yet maybe try a complete reinstall of GD, and possibly reinstall the c++ visual redistributables, seems to help somewhat for some people

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I had one since 9.4 but it was the first time in six months or so.
So conclusion is yes and yes but maybe no :stuck_out_tongue:

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No not really. I don’t have GI at all. Hope you figure it out.

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Hmmm 2nd crash in the middle of Mourndale, this time after the reinstall :thinking:
I’ll try no GI now and my 3rd attempt of going through this area.

edit 3rd crash in the middle of Mourndale, I seem to be able to reproduce it ; )

If you got other characters around there maybe try to see if it is character (or save file) specific.

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Hello. Since a few days, maybe weeks i dunno, im having more and more crashes in this game. Playing for 3 years. Always had this “black screen with only mouse cursor” kind of crash in this game but this happened very rarely in campaign, a bit more in SR’s but nowadays i can get crashes while loading to main menu or starting the game too. Vast majority of the time there isn’t even a crash log, just black screen and my mouse there which i can move.