So until 3 days ago, I had been having no issues with assetmanager. Then I started messing around with the archivetool to open some .arc and .arz files in the game and mod directories and now assetmanager is acting all funky. It is very similar to the problems in the forum post linked below…
As you can see I posted hear earlier, but I wanted to be more specific and see if that would help in solving the problem. What I am finding is that assetmanager is giving me the error “Can’t find or execute Create DBREditor!” The locations of all editor.exe files are still in the main directory and no paths have changed AND everything has been working fine for months. I am also finding that when I add .dbr files using assetmanager (either copying and pasting existing files I’ve already unlocked or using Database>Import Record), they are marked as read only files and I have to manually go into their properties to reset them and ONLY then can I edit them by manually opening them with DBREditor, not assetmanager.
I’m stumped as to what to do. I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the entire game files, removing mods and excreta but no luck. I tried changing the grim dawn folder as the person in the link above did, but no luck. Is there a way to tell assetmanager manually where to find DBREditor.exe (They are in the same folder together as they have always been, but alas…)? Is there a way to reset assetmanager to the original version (I thought unistall/reinstall would have fixed this) or download a non-corrupt version if that is my issue (says I’m running version 1.1)?
Any help would be appreciated, it is very annoying to have to go through all those extra steps when making simple changes to mods.
About the read-only thing: Can you verify that the source-files (the files that you copy it from) are not read only? And can you verify that the target folder (or one of its parent folders) you are trying to copy it to are not read only?
About the DBREditor thing, can you post your My Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\Tools.ini file? Especially the section under [Login]. This is how it looks for me:
Answer to Q1) Verified source file are not read only nor is target folder. If it helps, I have been just copying and pasting files directly from folders via File Explorer with no problems, but anything with AssetManager gives me the read only files.
Answer to Q2)
localdir=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
builddir=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
toolsdir=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
additionalbuilddirs=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\gdx1
additionalsourcedirs=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\mods\gdx1
localdir0=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
builddir0=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
toolsdir0=D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn
I can’t reproduce your problem unfortunately, but here is how I would solve it:
First, get sysinternals’ procmon ( ). It’s an invaluable tool to fix exactly these types of problems and it helped me tremendously with similar issues on Grim Dawn as well as other modding tools.
Once you start it (with admin rights), you will see the Process Monitor Filter window popup. (if you don’t, click on Filter -> Filter … in the menu or press or Ctrl+L). Select the options like this and hit Add:
Then press OK.
Now while the Process Monitor is running, start the AssetManager and try to open a *.dbr file (if your manager is already running then you dont need to restart it). Once you see the Error message “Can’t find or execute Crate DBREditor!” don’t hit OK, and instead go to the Process Monitor, scroll down to the very bottom and look what paths it tried to open.
This is how it looks for me (I simply renamed the dbreditor.exe to provoke the error message):
Usually from this information alone you will already understand what goes wrong but if you don’t, then you can screenshot the output.
If the Process Monitor window remains empty, then make sure to have File->Capture Events enabled, the “Show File System Activity” toolbar button is enabled and you set up the filters correctly.
One probable outcome would be:
Maybe it searches in a wrong path for the executable. In this case the path to the modding tools would need to be fixed. Since your Tools.ini looks ok, chances are that it doesn’t read the file in the first place. In this case, repeat the steps above with procmon (but this time just starting the asset manager should be enough), then in procmon press Find and look for tools.ini. This tells you if and where it loads the file from. Maybe it simply doesn’t find the file at all or maybe it uses a completely different one?
So I did what you suggested, but I’m not sure exactly what AssetManager was looking for, apparently it failed at finding something in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options. When I open that folder, it is just a bunch more folders lol. I’m trying to include a screenshot from googledrive, but not having much luck. I will just have to post a url for it.