[HC] Build & Guide Collection by RektbyProtoss

AA DW or DW with Shadow Strike? How do you level this in case on hardcore lokarr set levelling?

I played mostly AA focus around lethal assault’s flat dmg and execution, you still gotta hit and run sometimes and make sure to dodge some specific melee hits otherwise it definitely gets rippy :smiley:

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I think I’ll try giving it a go… Not on hardcore for start though xD

P.S. Btw about your Lokarr speedlevelling guide - additional optional items can be: Explorer’s Trousers and Bounty Hunter’s Girdle/Warmonger’s Belt - additional +10% to xp and both craftable


short question: are these builds (all, most, some…) being updated to anytime soon?

Builds based on lower patchlevels sometimes/often don’t make much sense anymore…

I dare to say that ALL of my builds still make perfect sense on patch, GD patches don’t change the game/builds as much as some other ARPGs, especially not my builds since almost none of them are “meta builds”.
Some might need a tiny tweak here and there, but overall they should all be very much playable and very similar performance wise compared to when I made/last updated them.

If you find a build where this is not the case and that really needs an update badly, let me know. If you are uncertain about a build that you’d like to do, feel free to ask me about that specific build.


Updated with a new farming guide, a pierce Blade Arc Tactician, physical Avenger Warder, acid retal Witchblade and added a Crucible 170 run to the cold Devastation Warlock.


I found this game again by going HC, and this compendium is one of my favourite sources of inspiration. Can’t beat the thrill of barely surviving something hard on HC. Even the RIPs are ultimately rewarding, when the gut-wrenching sinking feeling turns into steely resolve of vengeance. So thanks.

You’re so close to completing it though. I have a purifier that I abandoned in the mid 40s somewhere in Normal, it would be cool to see some HC viable build ideas for that. I really like the SFX and aesthetics of molotovs, but BWC chars are my number 2 most RIPed (after AAR chars that are my favourite but always end up gibbed sooner or later).

So do purifier please.

This is some very sturdy, powerful and comfy to play Purifier [] The Silver Crossbow - 2H ranged pierce Purifier SR 90/CR+
(but not Cocktails)

Thanks, that looks pretty solid. And I don’t think I’ve ever used the SR set. But I’ve never really liked the ranged style of play, and as you say it’s not exploding bottles of [insert damage type].

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Added a guide for the six celestial bosses.


The Actually Final Form of the Clone of John Bourbon
The Actually Final Form of the Clone of @RektbyProtoss:


Hi! Any update to the grey knight? I’m at lvl 50 currently and moving it so far :slight_smile:

The build is pretty much just as good, if not even better on the current patch and is even getting a small buff in, so enjoy :slight_smile:

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Added beginner Vitality Caster guide and two new endgame Shiedbreakers.

For someone that has never played HC in any ARPG game, which of these would be the safest build to start with? It’s a bit overwhelming reading through them all. I have basic understandings of how Grim Dawn works but still very much a noob at this.

To be honest the safest build is generally the one you feel the most comfortable playing yourself.
Out of my beginner builds I would say that both the vitality casters and the aura Paladin are really safe and easy to play. The Spellbreaker, being a dual wield melee build, can be a little harder to pilot.

Generally any kind of 2h or shield soldier is also very safe, I can recommend my deathknight, warder and warlord. For leveling DK, best is to follow the beginner Blade Arc guide by @Stupid_Dragon [] Beginner's Apex Death Knight, for Warder and Warlord there is probably some leveling guide aswell or just level with forcewave like my “how to level a soldier” video shows. Warder can also be leveled nicely with savagery and a troll bonecrusher or voldrak’s crusher and cadence. Warlord can be leveled as almost anything, it’s a really strong class, my favorite way to level it is probably Blitz&RF right now.
Generally when it doubt, forcewave out.

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Thanks for the reply.

I went for soldier and forcewave to start, will see what I pair it with at a later stage, if I survive :sweat_smile:

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Added a beginner Fire Vire’s Might Skater Templar / Shieldbreaker beginner guide and a Raka’Jax Vindicator, completing my goal to make at least one build for every single class combination in the game. However this doesn’t mean I’ll stop making builds, so stay tuned :smiley:


Wonderfull post, so many options :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

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Don’t forget to update that thread with all the amazing new builds you made for 1.2 on YT :wink:

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