HC friendly beginners PET build? (thats not slow)

Exactly! EoR is the gold standard of leveling for me.

This got to 80% of that speed:
Unfortunately I died to Ramzul at lvl66.

Haven’t tried EoR yet, but is the levelling speed even faster than using AAR ?

With AAR (or Conflagration) you have to stand to deal damage and while the clearing speed is pretty fast, it’s not as fast as EoR. Even if you use Conflagration with a ton of burn damage and one short pulse is enough to evaporate the entire screen, the terrain (obstacles, walls, elevations) sometimes slows you down. With EoR you just hold right click and keep going. Can be played half asleep.

But In HC my go to leveling skill is still Conflagration with any build or class. It’s really strong, gives you the safety of a long reach, applies a lot of burn, so short bursts is all you need to eliminate most mobs.


The secret to safe EoR leveling is Volcanic Stride + Fissure (or any AOE devotion proc). It allows you to safely kite whole melting everything. Has the added bonus of mopping up any stragglers left behind.