Healing increase

Healing increase increases ADCtH. It increases instant heal from devos like Giant. It does not work on health regen.

Does it also work on mastery skills like Menhir’s Will or Mend Wounds in Wendigo Totem?

Does it work on Serenity proc and other heals from item procs?

I believe the healing increase works on all the other health gains, including potions and procs.

I had a quick look the other day into what items there are with this bonus and it’s mostly items with bleeding damage for some reason :thinking:

This has a separate % bonus, so sort of makes sense this isn’t included.

Potions as well I know. But I am specifically interested in Wendigo Totem heal…

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I was sure I saw it mentioned before. This was not the exact quote I was looking for, but I’m quite sure @WyreZ knows what he’s talking about :smiley:


Yes, it works with Wendigo Totem Heal. :slight_smile: My understanding is that it works with anything that gives Health Restored, as either a precentage figure (ie 8% Health Restored) or as a flat figure (ie 1100 Health Restored), and then ADCtH as you mentioned.

So it affects things like Blood of Dreeg, Serenity, Wendigo Totem, Mend Flesh, Menhir’s Will, then devotions like Dryad’s Blessing or Healing Rain (for the hp restored portion).


works with everything that isn’t actual health regen afaik

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