Hello again! same question as before

yeah. was this the final update maybee? i cant play otherwise because im a completionist and if i finish a build and a patch changes it, i get very anal about it, and no other arpg comes even close to this game so now i have to play 20 year old stuff like mass effect and dragon age

i mean, its not logical for this to be the final update because well who the hell names the final update if 2.0 is so close to it, right?

pls help, ty men

edit: i meant 1.2, not 2.0. im very smart as you can see

edit #2: i just earned an achievement called editor, yaay!

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Nope balance patch is in the works and no idea how long Crate will continue to make further patches for the game. It is content complete though.

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so there seems to be two solutions to my situation

  1. go back to commander shepard or grey wardens
  2. start with some ssri because completionism in video games is a symptom of ocd

hello again btw! hows life treating you? :blush:

Game is complete, only thing that is changing is some items for balance reasons. There is no new content, you can complete game perfectly on current patch and nothing will change. :smiley:

Not bad. Busy, busy, busy. You?

hmmmm then that settles it i guess! i just hope “balance” means “added 10 offensive ability”, not “reduced conversion by 10%” or something :cry:

same :blush: ! i managed to find a job where i can play games 80~90% of the time, so the only thing i need now is to pick one…first world problems i guess!


I am Commander Shepard and this (Grim Dawn) is my favourite game on Steam

Also played the aforementioned games few times but for different reasons (third world problems, actually second) :sweat_smile: but in my mind Grim Dawn have virtually unlimited amount of time you can sunk in, just ask Powbam. Even though there are balance patch occasionally posted, majority of builds don’t go through major transformations. One build viable won’t become “dead” after new patch. And if it’s changed, then most likely will be for the best. Even if you have tough form of virtual OCD, you shouldn’t worry about it. :slightly_smiling_face:


yeee, i already reinstalled grim dawn and even started hardcore :blush:


didnt go well :sob:

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I agree. About 95% of the changes they have made have been boosts to builds or gear or other such. I rarely see them change things for the negative, unless it’s just broke OP out of the game, and I think that’s only happened for a few brand new items, something we’ll probably not get any more.

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surprisingly, it did :sob:

“Mythical Evoker of Elgoloth: reduced Lightning damage to 37-93 and removed % Crit damage. Reduced % Weapon damage modifier for Savagery to 24% and reduced % Projectile Passthrough modifier for Storm Spread to 50%”

basically fuck this shit really. made a really nice char, dummy in like 3~4s etc, good cc, was a good one, aaand its gone

basically THIS exact thing is why i do what i do. so cya and best of luck to yall, i am not gonna touch the game till the final update, whenever that is :roll_eyes:

curious, did you consider that maybe it was too strong in current form, and that’s why the Xbow was dialed back, considering the conjunction of other buffs in the patch, in particular the passthrough wps changes? :thinking: :man_shrugging:

honestly? yes, it was indeed kinda overpowered :roll_eyes: even with my limited experience i was killing stuff faster than in that topic about gd record times. but still…thats kinda the point, right? people play the game, get better, and realize what works. a game should reward that, not nerf people who do it, all in the vain attempt to make everything equal :frowning: and its not really supposed to be equal. if everything was equal, nothing would be worth fighting for :confused:

basically communism sucks no matter where you try it

communism is when game balance

Eard, our resident gunner enthusiast has been recommending Elgoloth vindicator left and right the past couple of weeks in the discord, because it’s performing so splendidly
*that’s not the old one, because he was participating in the 9.6 test, so his recommendations was based off how the build was going to be when patch hit
so when he says it’s still plenty strong, i’m gonna buy that, and say the “nerfs” weren’t that bad, and attribute it to the usual case of what happens on patch day:
people see patch notes, read the words “reduced”, and they go all like :weary:

(i even made comment about such thing in the meme corner :grin:)

anyways, gist of it is, don’t get so bogged up by patch notes, just play the darn game and have fun; your build still works splendidly :+1:

i didnt even read the notes actually! i was like "well at least i managed to make one really good build, lets just see if the crossbow wasnt nerf…oh fuck that shit :unamused: "

i mean i appreciate your help and enthusiasm :blush: ! but this is kinda my major criticism of the game, that its “too balanced”. personally i like natural laws, so my perfect game balance would look somewhat like the standard bell curve. most builds should be average, there should be a minority of builds that are good or bad, but there should be a really small number of builds that just break the whole game. something like in might & magic 7. in that game you have to try REAL hard to be a god, but also to be completely useless, while most things work well enough to finish the game with. gd is kinda too balanced for creative people, which i consider myself to be :roll_eyes:

and as much as i dislike poe, i like how they balanced it. basically at start they tried to keep the game balanced and at some point the balance team was like “yeah you know what? fuck it. im not dealing with this shit. the best i can do is sell mtx for the skill you guys used to rape everything in the game”


respectable troll attempt :blush:

you just described GD builds :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

heh :blush: well yes i noticed pets and retal are good compared to most, but i imagined something like the absolute destruction you could create in titan quest for example! likeee for example, get 1900+ DA, 100% chance to avoid projectiles, -100% cooldown time, -energy cost, get a brigand, put lethal strike on left mouse button/study prey on right, and proceed to destroy everything the game can throw at you in less than a second while being immune to everything :drooling_face: in grim dawn its…i dont knooow, too small of a gap between things somehow! idk what it is but when i play grim dawn, i feel like a dog on a chain, with the chain designed in co op with other dogs who are really good at escaping chains :neutral_face: so i cant really expect to escape it ever!