Hello! Beginner not sure where to start

What do you mean? His username here? Same as in the link.

@Lokkrin, as Rektby said Requnix doesn’t handle criticism well. If you go down to the bottom of that rant dialogue of his you’ll see that he pre-approves any comments people might make before he allows them on his website. I can guarantee if you read those comments you will not find a single one criticising him - because he won’t approve them so they don’t show up.


You’ll be fine. It’s no different than most any other forum or “community” on the internet. If you come in and are cool then chances are good everyone else will be cool with you. If someone gets shitty with you just tell 'em to leave you alone or report 'em.

Other than that if someone comes in with attitude or just gets stupid period… then yeah, you might see some fireworks here and there :wink:

9 times outta 10 tho, it’s no different than most other places. Be yourself, have a thick skin, don’t take things too personal, and as long as that self isn’t a prick you’ll be fine.


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Step 1: pick Shaman

Step 2: max Wendigo Totem

Step 3: build anything melee after that.

Shaman is the best class :slight_smile:

Again, thanks for being so welcoming to me, particularly as a new player. This game is somewhat overwhelming and it’s good to have encouragement and in-depth guides that help with the process to become more familiar with everything. I’m still trying out a few builds to get a feel for the game and will eventually pick one that I can stick with through the game.

As far as Requnix: Thanks for being open about discussing all that stuff. Honestly again, I really don’t want to get involved. The reason I brought it up was that I’ve had bad experiences in the past on other sites where forum mods and top members were real assholes and intentionally bullied some very nice and reasonable people off their site, all over some simple criticism and concerns they expressed. Though it didn’t happen to me, I learned to keep my mouth shut on those sites.

Anyway, all I can say right now is that fortunately, currently the issues here with Requnix doesn’t effect me and I don’t feel like the GD forums is a toxic/hostile environment for me. That, I suppose, could change with any community.

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It isnt, especially on the hardcore end as long as you can explain your build, or in some way show it with pics, (like i have), or video.

Grim Dawn forums are good.