i’m reading here for a few weeks now and i think it’s time to say hello to everyone…
as an old diablo lover i realy like grim dawn and i think i will stick to it for a while now.
my first addictive game has been diablo1, followed by age of empires, counter strike, diablo2 (lod) and last but not least i used to be a big dota lover… :rolleyes:
looking back to all of these games, i think grim dawn has a great potential to become a new long-term favorite of mine.
i just made my second charakter lvl 35 (cannisterbomb throwing pussy) now and get raped permanently in sot… whatever… i wont give up
btw, im from germany (my english sucks ofc), 28y old and play mostly in the evening. i’m also looking for nice people who would like to have a nice multiplayer session from time to time. because i dont have rl friends interested in playing with me :eek:
so, my gf wants me to move and do stuff… thats it for now.
thank you guys for all nice information u brought up here. and hello!
Hello, and welcome to the forum, your english is fine. My first game was Dam Busters on a comodore 64. My first R.P.G. was Morrowind, I played 28 hours straight, the first session.
[QUOTE=eremite;198807] i’m also looking for nice people who would like to have a nice multiplayer session from time to time. Welcome, and ill add if you want to multi sometime, pm’d
Welcome, i feel the same way about this game, escpecially if they do optimize it, because any time i go around skeletons i have to pray it doesnt spike on me. Im always up for multi, a but more hc but ill play normal too. Pm’d for steam info