Hello fellow players!

Played TQ:IT for so many years. And now this. Grim Dawn…what a beauty. Such a perfect game. Appealing to the eyes, not very hold handing and fun mechanics.
I’m glad I bought it. And with just above 100hrs played I can expect seeing those numbers increase a lot.

I just wanted to say hi to you guys. If anyone wanna farm something or just trade stuff (not sure if it is possible?) I have craploads of epics im not really interested in. Then hit me up. Add me on steam under the name Ishidar…or Molekyl. Not sure what I have lol.

Hi Molekyi, welcome to the forums!

There is a trading thread, [thread=15026]Item Trading Thread (#2)[/thread], you can post in there if you want.

Glad you are enjoying the game. Cheers!

Hello my good man! Do you by chance know of a good band? We do prefer medieval metal van band mans

I am not an expert in gaming. I was hoping so, but you guys are brilliant in it.