Hello from a TL fan!

Hey i’m new here, i just took notice to a post on the torchlight off topic section about some game called “Grim Dawn”, and that the TQ devs were behind it. Just have to say from what i’ve seen, this game will be great, and i can’t wait for it!

Welcome! Glad my thread over on the TL forums sparked your interest :smiley:

Welcome in GrimDawn’s Forum.:slight_smile:

Thanks. But now comes the horrible wait for the game :smiley:

Very true lol…but at least we have some really cool games coming soon to occupy our time until then.

Elemental is looking extremely promising and is not that far off now.

Hawkn, you the same guy from fate?!
Where’s jamesL?!
Welcome and yes it’s going to be a long wait but it will be worth it!

You should go pm him on the runic forums. i’ve seen him lurking there lately.

Hi, welcome to the forum! The wait is a very long one for us too. While we have the luxury of playing the game now, we are dying to get it out there and see what people think of it.

Hi and welcome to Grim Dawn forum! :smiley:

yep, hanging out there and at the diablo forums

and at the warhammer online forums

been spending time doing D2 hardcore, just lost a 67 necro, argh !
and leveling my shaman healer on warhammer, level 40, renown 43

can’t wait for this
the screenshots look AWESOME !
way better than the D3 screenshots

I’ve been a member of this forum for awhile and I pre ordered the game awhile ago, but I haven’t posted anything here
maybe I should start spending more time over here

Hi and welcome home!

GD will be the best arpg, never forget soldier! :smiley:

Lol I’m sure GD will be an amazing game. But with D3’s budget, i doubt D3 will suck either. :stuck_out_tongue: Ty for teh welcomez guiys.

James we can sure use some of your gaming expertise on the issues at hand relating to ideas and suggestions for Grim Dawn.

Also it looks like you need an avatar, Check my signature link and grab one today! It’s totally free!

Big budget does not a masterpiece make.

Waterworld anyone? I’d also argue 2012 as a big budget flop, but that’s my opinion. Waterworld’s stench is pretty universal.