I’m revilo44 and I’m a gamer!!
I brought grim dawn recently and I’m really enjoying it. But what do each of the masteries do and how does it affect my playthough?
Looking forward to being involved in forum.
I’m revilo44 and I’m a gamer!!
I brought grim dawn recently and I’m really enjoying it. But what do each of the masteries do and how does it affect my playthough?
Looking forward to being involved in forum.
Picking a combination of 2 masteries is the same as picking a class in any other game.
They define what skills and abilities your character gets.
Here’s an overview on the masteries: http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3141
You can look at skill descriptions and create a build using GrimCalc, http://grimcalc.com.
Otherwise the masteries perform the same functions as the masteries in TQ.
You can look in this forum on posts for classes and build ideas, http://www.grimdawn.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=17.
Welcome to the forums I hope you enjoy your stay