I’ve been around for a while now but oddly enough not ventured into this section. Thought it was about time I said hi.
I’m 42 and from the sunny City of Nottingham in the UK (think Robin Hood). I’m married with two children who are 6 (going on 15) and 3. For work I am a computer programmer - currently programming communication modules in Smart meters (electricity and gas).
I’ve been playing RPG games, both computer and table top, for a very long time. /sigh oh I do miss the days of Eye of the Beholder.
Loving GD as a game but also the participation in its creation and development.
G’day. Australia? That’s the back of bourke. Well I’m as busy as a cat burying shit but I’m afraid I’ve got no tips for you. Will say though that our market share relative to the other big companies has increased year on year. We also consistently have the best Net Promoter Score. Not a bad company to invest in if you want steady return for your Wonga.