Hello to all!
I’m Lea aka TroubleGirl playing PC games for couple of years now.
My favorite genre is first person shooter, however since I stopped playing Q4 and TF2 competitively, I had more time to explore other genres and play more games.
I bought dozens of games in past couple of years, including Titan Quest: Immortal Throne, which I purchased back in 2010, it was included in one of the bundles. But I never played it as I was avoiding rpg games back then, due to dedicating my time to one game at that time.
Anyhow, couple of days ago I installed Titan Quest and got in love. Good bye FPS games, Hello Grim Dawn, Crate Entertainment and lovely community you have here
I am lucky to have a boyfriend who explained me the whole history of Titan Quest and about it’s development studio… he played hundreds of hours in TQ. So, I’ve decided to browse and I ended up here.
I’m very happy I finally ended up where I should have 2 years ago, but well, I am here now.
My first arpg was Torchlight, then I tried Diablo II for just a little bit and claimed that Diablo II copied all after Torchlight lol … By now I know it’s visa versa 0=)
In coming months I’ll be following Grim Dawn, playing TQ & D3 until Grim Dawn’s alpha test will open.
I’m happy to say I pledged for Grim Dawn today, and so did my boyfriend.
I also “spammed” my blog with Grim Dawn, hopefully more people will pledge