So i have just started a 1 day ago i am current level 23 and i am soldier and arcanist any farming place i could possibly do ? i struggle doing dungeons specially when there are tons of monsters and heroes (boss) like three stacks could kill me easy i use dual wield any suggestion to make my character more tanky and basically kill many mobs without having to use pots right away ? at least last a bit longer than 1-2 seconds
Post your build.
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The easiest way to clear normal as an arcanist is to max Olrexa’s Flash Freeze and use either a Searing Ember or Flintcore Bolts in your weapon. You would have an easier time if you used a caster off hand to level until 30-40, and then switch to melee. What kind of build are you trying to make? A Battlemage doesn’t really support dual wielding.
Here is my build
I guess if I had to start from scratch, I would look at my worst item slots, and start crafting for that slot until I get a good yellow or even a double green, then add a component and go to the next worst slot.
someone else mentioned components: look for weapon ones, and put any in that you have that give aoe, there’s one low level one with lightning nova, amazing for trash clearing.
Get a 2h weapon, remove points from everything and put them in blade arc line and leftovers in blitz line and get falcon + kraken, you are set for normal, this builds uses a lot of hp and energy potions though