[Help] Bleed\Vit Trickster

I have a savagery based bleed\vitality trickster as my main who I had a lot of fun with pre-expansion albeit a bit squishy if manageably so.

I’ve beaten AoM content while suffering through countless deaths and can kill some of the old nemeses (only encountered Benn and Fabius so far at level 100) with minimal deaths. I don’t have AV or Beasts at nemesis but Grava gave me a hard time, best I could do was about half health but he seemed to full heal when I died so gave up.

Damage wise I’m not having many issues so I feel like I can salvage this character, but that may be due to being too offensively focused. I just can’t see any obvious item or skill\devotion changes that would make a noticeable difference. Most of my defense seems to come from healing through ADctH, Dryads(bound to RoS), PB, and my health regen buffed by tenacity of the boar.

Just looking for some feedback as I’m at a loss after respeccing devotions a number of times and switching around certain skills. My current set-up is the best I’ve come up with using what gear I have but I still die to trash and have to be constantly kiting and on my toes for just about any content worth farming and it just isn’t very fun any more.

Things that stand out to me as immediately obvious are my pants(need that poison res), low DA, low armour(despite several pieces of heavy gear), some imperfect resists, and low health pool. I’ve tried to make up for these with devotion picks as well as I can but they seem to be a stop-gap at best.

Self-buffed stats: (Edit: have an image link to steam that shows in the posting screen but is blank when the topic got uploaded…)


Thanks in advance for any help.