I’ve been playing with a mod that was supposedly (based off the searching I’ve done) updated for Forgotten Gods, but the factions have the “Tag Not Found” bug on the faction screen. How do I go about fixing this?
Solution that I found:
Set up your installation for modding using the modding guide in the game folder, then check the gameengine.dbr file in the problem mod to see if it has all of the game’s factions. If not, manually type in the records.
Don’t forget to save and build the mod afterwards to apply any changes you make.
You don’t need rainbow tool to play any mod, if you didn’t have it to begin with, that wasn’t the cause of the issue.
What factions were having the missing tags? And what else, if anything?
To fix these things would mean cracking open the mod and doing the work yourself, tag additions are fairly easy so it’s not a huge job if you’re familiar with the modding process.
The Forgotten Gods dlc factions are the only ones with missing tags, but its all of them. I was planning on opening up the mod and making whatever fixes I needed to myself (the mod author is on likely indefinite hiatus); I don’t know where I need to go in the files or what I need to do to make these fixes. I’ve made extensive personal modifications to mods for other games before, but not Grim Dawn.
I haven’t encountered any issues with the mod aside from this one. There have been a number of people saying that the version that increases the level cap breaks mob spawns after level 100, but I’m not using that version.
Back to my original question, what would I need to do to start fixing issues with tags in regards to the FG factions? I’m assuming that its something simple and purely visual that broken, as reputation gain doesn’t seem to be broken.
I don’t know why the mod would need the tags for the factions anyway, but to update them you’ll need to extract the mod contents and dig around to see what needs to be fixed. There’s a few tutorials scattered on the forums somewhere to help you get started.
I’ve searched around for tutorials on how to fix this, but there don’t seem to be any guides on modding factions. As for why the mod would need tags for factions, I imagine that its an issue where the databases that Grim Dawn uses were updated at some point, and the mod is looking in the wrong spot for the dlc faction tags.
It seems like a lot of the mod’s databases are broken (based off my attempts to poke around in the Asset Manager), but this is the only spot where its actually causing a problem.
You’re right, I wasn’t (I have now). I have everything properly loaded and the mod pulled up in the Asset Manager. Where should I be looking to see what’s going wrong with the FG factions?
Edit: it seems like the gameengine.dbr is where the factions are.
There is no need to copy any files over, but it sounds like you have to update some of the existing files in the mod.
I’d compare the GD database with the mod’s database using WinMerge and go from there. Make sure you combine the vanilla, AoM and FG databases into one first (copy AoM over vaniilla, FG over both, to get the full picture)
I ended up doing what you said on my own trying to work on the problem, and the mod is missing the faction database entries for the dlcs. However, manually adding those entries in doesn’t seem to have done anything on the existing save I’ve been checking with. Is this something that I’m going to have to create new saves for every time to confirm, or am I doing it wrong?