Help improve LVL80 Conjurer

Hey guys whats up
Just started playing ultimate and everything was fine until I hit the Warden, his triple shot things could kill me pretty fast, 1 of those was 40% of my HP or so, I ended up killing him after a somewhat long fight

Now Im at the rovers camp rift and I found Moosilauke, the Chillwind, and he kicked my teeth in, hard, took me about 4 minutes to get him to his 2nd fase and then I couldnt fight him anymore because my damage was taking too long to kill him and one well placed meteor and Im done

UPDATE build (with devotions)

Items are pretty much the best I could drop, most noticeble are:
Empowered Lifebinder
Unholy Visage of the Covenant
Fiendscale Jacket
Flesheater Legwraps
Using Torment Relic cant craft any better

All resistences above 60% except:
Bleed -10%
Aether -5%
Stun 0%

Armor Rating 800
OA DA 1550

well youre doing a nemesis with an unfinished build I think thats a bit too much for most builds, and if your conjurer is pet based thats even worse considering moosilauke love to spam so much AOE

Are you running any augments? the rovers amulet/ring augs are quite good, and the outcasts +life augs on weapons are also quite nice for survivability, also make an effort to bring any and all +res potions you find, drinking a hoarfrost pot is almost mandatory for moosilauke if you cant find freeze resist somewhere else.

and the wardens difficulty comes from your negative aether resist, again using resist potions is quite worth it to patch up some resists until you can finish your build

It looks like you are running a vitality conjurer. First, if you haven’t already, I would recommend that you look for faction gear. Black Legion, Rovers, Homestead, and Death’s Vigil all have some gear that is great for vitality casters. Looking at your skills, I would drop Destruction and Solael’s Witchfire and put the points in Vulnerability, Heart of the Wild, Blood of Dreeg, and maybe a few in Aspect of the Guardian. For devotions, I would drop Solael’s Witchblade and Ghoul. They don’t do much for you. Drop Sailor and pick up Eel. Wayward Soul and Turtle would help with your low DA. Your OA is pretty low too, which sucks because you can’t take advantage of the crit damage from Hungering Void. Make sure you prioritize resistances over damage for your build. Your helmet and legs especially don’t do much for your build, so you can replace them with more defensive items. Even your chest has very little damage on it with a so-so proc, so it can be replaced as well.

As for Moosilake, plenty of builds better than yours can’t even kill the first phase. He is a very difficult boss, and it is no surprise that you can’t kill him. I’m surprised you even got through the first phase.

Your resist is the key…

I updated my build with your skills suggestions, the extra HP is really nice and the lost of damage from the buff is barely noticeable.
Im at work now so I cant really check but I believe that if I drop Ghoul Ill lock myself out of Dying God and for Chariot I would need a few purples which I have none. The only straight up trade would be Sailors for Eel.

i had a quick look at the devotion setup, i think you should drop bat, and the flat chaos node (last node, AFTER the proc) in dying god for sure. Flat damage doesn’t apply to spells without % weapon damage at all, and the tiny amount on destruction won’t cut it either. This is, what i would suggest (devotions only):

If this is too tanky for your taste, with the free points you could also go for the first four nodes in spear of heavens, 5% OA and 10% critdamage will do a lot for dps.

I like it, will try it out when I can :smiley: