[Help!] [Modding] Mastery Bar MIA

It was just here two days ago…

records/ui/skills/<class>/classtrainingbar.dbr is properly set up and configured, and referenced by classtable.dbr.

This problem also has no connection to the fact that there’s a Celestial Power on the mastery; removing it and starting a new character is ineffectual.

Using copy/pasted files from other masteries doesn’t seem to be having an effect.

Anyone got any ideas where I should be looking to get my mastery bar back? :rolleyes:

Are you sure it’s referenced properly?

Did you change the bitmap locations? If you’re using a custom texture, try a default one.

I started with a default one, then tried a custom one, and am now back to default. No dice either way.

Bitmap locations were not touched at all.

I guess I’ll quadruple-check my references…

Literally just copy/pasted the entire ui folder of a different mastery, removed all the skill stuff (save for classtraining.dbr), pointed references to the correct class #, and…

nothing. :frowning:

And you don’t have this problem with other masteries at all? Weird…

Nope, and its not an enumeration thing.

Mastery I took the UI files from (and this is on the same character, too, as one with the missing bar in ‘Champion’):

Mine didn’t work for a while when I was making graphics.
I got some help here and figured it out with that.

There are just the five related files in Records, right?
[Class07->??; whatever you’re using]
Plus one more if you’re using custom graphics instead of referencing vanilla.
[or .psd or ??]

If you’ve temporarily swapped those five files for a Shaman’s, say, and it still fails, maybe try deleting any local assets for the pic or anything else that references the training bar. If you’re using related local assets, re-“Auto-Create Assets” for them. Check that you completely removed the celestial power. Check that you don’t have another pic that overwrites the same spot as the training bar. Check that you don’t have any other files that reference it.
And when all that fails, start a new mastery and add in groups of things from your old mastery until it fails again, back up and add single things …isolate it that way. GD’s most dangerous monster, the dreaded extra comma.

You’ve probably done all that and more already, but just in case you missed something…

Occam’s Razor: Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.

Hypothesis: a mastery with no skills in it will not display a mastery bar regardless of one’s investment.

Hypothesis verified through testing.

TL;DR you don’t get a mastery bar graphic for a mastery if you don’t have any non-mastery skills in that mastery.

bangs head on wall

Really? LOL


BTW: turns out it also could just be a tier0 or last tier skill, it doesn’t matter.

Well now you know, make your skills first or just leave the old stuff from copypasta the other ui files.