i recently started the game, i’m lvl 34, died once cuz i ran into aether stuff on the ground, completly selffound.
In the middle of Act 3 so far, not playing Veteran.
playing a warder shaman/soldier, not having too many troubles as of yet, but i’m not sure how i should continue when leveling up.
What items should i keep an eye out on?
this is my build so far:
(see post below)
any recommendations?
Devotions: Dryad, Turtle, Assasins blade.
what next?
Ditch Upheaval unless your crit chance is (really) high. Upheaval is a potential Feral Hunger proc and replaces it.
Use Grasping Vines or Swarm with a devotion for AOE or Blade Arc.
And remove a point from Brute Force. Its a one pointer to open Feral Hunger /Upheaval.
Its kind of no wonder you’re struggling with no attack proc devotion. If you’re physical /bleed, take Rend. If you’re stacking Lightning you should ditch Savagery all together and go Primal Strike.
Even though i’m plowing through the game, i would need someone to help me on how to go on further.
Planning on getting primal bonds next as skills. Should i skill Blitz? When do i need to skill totem?
Totally unsure about devotions; ive read that Savagery is great and defensive devotions are the way to go before, but this guy above me tells me i should sack savagery and go with an offensive devotion skill…
I went Dryad --> Turtle --> Assians Blade --> 3/4 Wrath right now to get Dire Bear. what after that? What to apply the effects on?
Devotions are
That’s not what I said at all. Learn to read or at least do no quote what I said or didn’t say when you didn’t read it properly.
What I said was ( if you’re stacking lightning damage), go Primal Strike.
Savagery alone is not enough, you need a AOE is what I meant. Devotions are a good place to get it. Attach it to Swarm or Grasping Vines. Otherwise you need Blade Arc, Forcewave… or Primal Strike to fill the AOE void.
Keep Upheavel, try to get some AOE from a devotion
Max Brute Force and Storm Touched. Put at least one point in Wendigo Totem.
Blitz is great for AOE damage
People who say that Savagery is bad just don’t know how to build around it
My Warder crits for 40-50k with Savagery and reached the point of never dying on Elite because of all the life steal he gets from Wendigo+Blood Pact and Feral Hunger
isnt feral hunger enough aoe? so far it surely is.
honestly: you seem to be quite the dick to new people. you talk disrespectful alltogether. Also, i acutally question ur game knowledge.
Some of ur advice sound like youve never played warder, at least when i compare them to the guides out there.
thanks to the guy above me. my problem is that i dont know what to attach all the stuff from devotions anymore. i already have dryad/assassins blade/Turtle and Dire Bear will be following next.
It doesnt feel like i have enough active skills that proc these permanantly.
Put Assasin’s Blade to Savagery, Turtle to Field Command.
Personally I’m not a fan of Dryad, but I’m a fan of Scales of Ulcama. You could put 3 points into Lion (HP and Damage) and get Scales of Ulcama (+15% All Damage, +10% Hp, some HP regen, passive proc). I usually ignore the mana regen on the left side.
Put the proc on your Mogdrogen’s Pact aura. The proc deals small amount of Vitality damage to anything that attacks you, works on ranged, and it heals you up + steals some mana, and it’s a 1 second cooldown, it should work better than Dryad. If you want Dire Bear, it will have to go to one of your WPS, probably to Feral Hunger.
PS: I don’t think you need Dire Bear. If your damage is good, you can pick more defensive Devotions like Behemoth and Assasin’s Blade will do all the work. For damage, I would recommend going for Kraken, which in turn enables other options. The fastest way to get Kraken would be:
Max Eel (-3 pts)
Unlearn 1 pt from Crossroads (Blue)
Put 1 pt to Crossroads (Green)
Put 3 pts to Scholar’s Light (looks like a candle, it’s quite useless, but we want the green affinity for Kraken)
Max Kraken (-5 pts) (+16 Atk Speed, +15% Crit damage, +70% All Damage, +40% Physical Damage, +5% Movement speed)
Unlearn Eel (+3 pts)
Next I would recommend Chariot of the Dead, which gives Offensive Ability, some Vitality Resistance and it has a healing proc, just like Dryad had, but stronger.
Max Hammer (-3 pts) (Physical Damage, Internal Trauma Damage)
Max Chariot of the Dead (-7 pts)
Max Hawk (-3 pts) (Offensive Ability, Crit damage)
You can unlearn the Crossroads (Green) if you want and you have lots of options for the final 13 points. Behemoth (take only 4 pts) and Targo the Builder (take only 4 pts) for tons of extra HP, Ulo the Water Keeper (take only 4 pts) and Empty Throne (max - 4 pts) for resistances, Dire Bear (5-6 pts), Falcon (4-5 pts) and Rhowan’s Scepter (4-7 pts) for damage. Remember, you don’t have to take a full devotion, even the parts can be useful.
The hell are you babbling about? My advise is sound.
Upheaval will interfere with Feral Hunger. A upheaval proc is a potential Feral Hunger proc. Dont try it unless your crit chance is high. ie: late elite or ultimate with appropriate gear, skills and devotions. You wont proc Upheaval very often, it does poor damage and replaces Feral Hunger!
And Savagery alone with Feral Hunger and/or Upheaval is not enough AOE. Not at low level like you are with nothing to support it. Your clear speed will be crap. I went over this, explained it and made a suggestion. None of it is bad or wrong.
Be specific when you’re trying to insult someone. You’re just running your mouth, shooting blanks. I wasn’t even rude before. NOW I am, as you deserve it. You misquoted me and I simply called you out on it.
You claimed I said something I didn’t.
And now you have the nerve to mouth off? HA.
" never played Warder" loooool. Try again. I’ve spent many many many hours playing Warder. Different builds of Warder and this game in general.
Do tell. What part of my advise is not sound?
Can’t wait to hear this.
Primal Strike is better for Lightning and Savagery is better for phys? Terribly sorry this stuff is over your head.
Again, you aren’t specific. Plus, you make blanket in accurate statements /insults. A made a assumption based on your posts and gave advise accordingly.
None of which is bad advise.
Savagery is in fact better for psychical build and Primal Strike is in fact better for Lightning. Savagery does in fact need AOE to support it as your clear speed will be slow with just Savagery and Feral Hunger /Upheaval.
This all started because you put words in my mouth an misquoted me. I have no problem being a dick as soon as someone slings insults.
Grab a clue please. Seriously.
Just wow.
Just because someone advises Assasins Mark while I advise Rend doesnt make me “wrong”.
Learn to play for christ sakes and stop making broad sweeping ridiculous blanket statements.
My advise goes against “most guides”?? guides on what build? You seemed to be asking for advise on physical Savagery. Just because someone gives advise that contradicts a copy /pasta “guide” doesn’t make it wrong. My Warder is stomping ultimate right now while you’re here learning to play calling ME wrong.
Making good progress, i am in Act 3 Elite now and lvl 62!
I’m purely physical though, tried blade arc and cadence instead of savagery, but savagery seems to be stronger.
Act 1 Ultimate now, did some farming in A4 Elite first to get my resistances up (Steps of Torment and Bastion, managed both pretty easily)
Still rolling pure phsyical!
Crossroads 2/6
Assassins Blade
Empty Throne
Dire Bear
Scolars Light
Ulo the Keeper of Waters
Behemoth 4/6
Targo the Builder 3/7
Will put 1 more into Targo and then probably with 3 in Hydra, Scales of Ulcama or Lion +1 in Dire Bear
Found some decent items, too. I like the chest armor. Found some other legendarys that seem good for other classes
Proud of my Resistances, took away some dmg because of it
-> Blood Pact ain’t great and neither is Counter Strike, better invest those points elsewhere. Counter Strike is more for retaliation builds really. For Blood Pact, depends on your damage and how fast you kill mobs, if you kill them slowly it’s good, if you kill them fast it’s not.
-> If you want to proc Feral Hunger more than anything else, any other WPS proc is bad ex. Zolhan’s or Upheaval. People have already given you advice on that, so it’s up to you.
-> Most of your other investments are alright, I would recommend putting more points in War Cry until you reach the damage reduction cap i.e 25%.
-> Your resists are great, try and get that cold resist through Dense Fur.
-> OA is kind of bad, you might want to try either gearing/augmenting/components/devotion to get it up to at least 2.2k. This is the prime reason why Upheaval is a wasted point, you’ll barely crit at all with that OA on ultimate.
-> Also, Blade Arc is much stronger, but to each their own. Savagery is better on single target though, although I haven’t had much problems with bosses on ultimate with Blade Arc.
-> If you got Badge of Mastery, try and craft that ASAP, it’s a pretty powerful medal.
Other than that I’d say you’re looking good, you have way too much HP though which is probably because you invested a lot of points in Physique and Heart of the Wild, try to spec out of HoTW and put it in Fighting Spirit or Field Command for the OA. Put all of your points into Cunning after, but keep at least 5 points spare for later gear especially rings/amulets because you may need to invest in some spirit to wear them.
i will keep upheaval for now to have something i can put my devotion skill on though, will get that OA up, was focusing on resistances
Killspeed is fine though still i would say, ty!
How many proc skills do you have? I have barely none on my Warder, except Assassin’s Mark. I doubt you need any of those proc skills though. But then again Blade Arc cannot proc WPS skills so I may have intentionally chosen devotions that don’t have proc skills except AM.
Last update for a while! Added list for items i used!
Again, this is a Savagery using, Physical Dmg 2-Hand Warder.
Finished the game, did everything. every Quest, revealed the whole map with secrets, except Bastion + last 2 SoT levels (so far)
Will move on to another char now, maybe soemthing less likely to work