HELP: Need Skeleton Key, No Blacksmiths

I was in Gates of Anguish and I unfortunately died. And now I need to craft a skeleton key to enter again. Duncan is in Burrwitch Outksirts and seems I have only one reply and that’s “Farewell”, and Angrim is missing in Devil’s Crossing, I thought I let him enter the rift way back before. Is there any way I can craft skel key again?

Never mind. He came back to the Devil’s Crossing. Do they travel all the time?

They don’t travel, Duncan or Angrim should appear in Devil’s Crossing immediately when you invite one.

Great! Now that I crafted a Skel key, I can’t open the Gates of Anguish.

If you are in the same session, you cannot open the door again.

SoT and BoC dungeons are rogue-like dungeons. If you die in the dungeon, you have to re-create another game to enter int he doors again.

Oh man! Really? That was one hell of a journey and there’s no Rift nearby. Ugh… Thanks for the info BTW.