Help tweak my build

Alright, so this is probably the best character I’ve kind of made on my own, but I’m trying to tweak my passive tree to where I can pick up giant’s blood to attach to my helm’s Prismatic Diamond as a save.

I can kill the dummies in about 20 seconds so my damage seems really good to me… so dropping a bit of damage from my tree seems fine, I’m just having a hard time figuring out how to do it.

If anyone cares to take a look, I do currently have one point in Berserker just so you do see that. I really like Phoenix fire… so I was thinking I would have to give up Typhos or Bard’s Harp, but as those give color’s I need… just trying to figure out how to go about it.

Edit: Hmm, just realized I could finish off Rumor for essentially 1 point, since that would allow me to take the 1 point out of Ghoul.

Edit2: Well, when I realized that about Rumor I messed around some more and came up with this:

I guess I’ll try it out. Giving up Typhos and Spider seems like a lot though, haha. Wanted to try with Giant’s Blood, and the two points into berserker and 1 extra into Ultos is nice though

Agreed w/ @fishy’s suggestions.

I would expand upon that and give this GT a try: Spellbreaker, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Biggest thing is pump the damage, get some more RR some more Health. :+1:

Thanks guys. Lot more things than I was thinking, haha.

I was using Bero shard before I switched to this cold build, but was thinking AA would be good. I suppose thinking about it Bero makes more sense for procs, and frees up a lot of needed skill points…

Nights chill for sure, freeing up a lot of points. I guess I didn’t look closely at star pact.

I didn’t even know of Gargoygle belt… will look it up.

The amulet and medal look nice, with all the changes thats a lot more RR… sad about replacing the amulet and neck though, I thought I had some great rolls for the ABB, haha. Pointless though I suppose if dropping that.

I suppose I just liked Phoenix since the damage absorb seemed so nice, and it gives a bit of elemental damage, 10% crit dmg, and 225 health. I wasn’t sure though so that’s why I was asking.

I didn’t expect to drop Ultos though, with the resist reduction and all the offensive stuff on it, it seems really strong. Although the procs damage is lightning…

I think the only time I saw Serenity drop… I went to town and my game crashed and it rolled back like 5 minutes and I haven’t found it again, lol. I will try Nidella’s though.

Last thing, I don’t fully understand why all the points into Revenant? Some health and a bit of attack speed, is the lifesteal that big of a deal?

Thanks guys

Edit: Had the amulet, guess I haven’t found the recipe for the medal yet.

Beronath AA is great as you can use it to easily proc RR and get some more Damage from the stacked buff.

Unless you’re really buffing ABB, it’s just worth 1 pointing it and pumping Lethal Assault for the flat and % Damage instead, plus you can use it to proc Elemental Storm. :+1:

Cold Damage is one of the most resisted in the game (second behind Fire if I remember correctly) so stacking RR as high as you can and making sure it’s up and running at all times is a must. Plus, as a single RR class combo, you need to get as much as you can and push %Weapon Damage as high as you can so you can kill fast.

Veil of Shadows is great for dropping enemy OA which increases you survivability and the medal is excellent with the increased radius mod.

Dropping Ultos is due to you already having the 20% Reduced targets Elemental Resistances from using Viper constellation. Plus you can’t convert the Lightning Damage, so no sense in pushing the Lightning Ring Augments, better to use the Gargoyle belt and convert the Vitality. Same thinking goes for dropping IEE/Overload/Conversion to 1 point as you can’t convert the damage and you can get plenty of OA from stacking Cunning due to Anatomy of Murder.

This is also why I changed gauntlets so you can get another 30% Piercing Damage converted to Cold Damage. Pump that damage! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I used Revenant due to to the added Health, Attack Speed, chance for Energy Leech and the 6% ADCtH. ADCtH is key for an AA build that survives by killing and big damage. Without it you become more squishy.

Mind you, my Devotion pathing is not fully ideal, but it’s something to start with and give you something to work off of. :sunglasses:

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Very much appreciate the long reply… definitely learned a lot I didn’t realize.

I also thought the %RR stacked… so yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

The gloves make a lot of sense too.

Thanks a ton!

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Sure thing - enjoy and best of luck!

This is where I am at now. Lot of improvements… didn’t do my tree EXACTLY said you laid out, but definitely took a lot from it. I was trying out the Crab, and it seems kind of nice, although the builds that I have looked at on here, I haven’t seen it used much. I first thought of just putting the 3 points into it, but the 2 points after it seem pretty decent. With that I was able to drop the Empty Throne constellation, and I’m sitting at 79% stun resist still. I was also able to get the Giant’s Blood that I wanted, haha. It seems to work really well with Prismatic Diamond.

Now that Blizzard is actually leveled up… the proc itself actually does do a lot of area damage for clearing stuff it seems. Plus it just fits the build well which is fun. :smiley:

Big thing is that I’m now trying to decide if the medal Mark of Dark Dreams is worth it, since my Nidalla’s rolled +1 Night’s Chill I’m already sitting at 19/10 on that. I suppose it would let me take a point out and use somewhere else though, and the +1 range on it like you said. Not sure how huge that is. Doesn’t seem like a ton of clear options for a cold build like this.

Dreadchill Mark seems nice and has the Poison/Bleed resist which my build needs more than anything. Attack speed and +3 to night’s chill, again freeing up a couple points.

Or… Undying Oath, +600 health would be nice, and it has Flat damage on the amulet, and +20 to Pneumatic burst… so almost +40 flat cold damage seems significant, I think?

But also, my MI Igorr’s Eternal Vigil seems pretty decent too. %physique, %health, freeze resist (which im not quite maxed on), and that roll of the attack speed retaliation seems really useful actually, and a lot of cold damage. Haha, looking at it more now this amulet does seem pretty decent, also with the +3 shadow dance.

Edit: Sorry for the text wall - I know most people probably don’t care to reply to all that, lol. Really my first character that is hitting decent SR and now I am trying to tweak it, which comes with a lot of trying to understand HOW to min-max stuff…

Good to see you’re trying things out and getting a good feel for it.

I would suggest removing one point from Star Pact and pop it into Belgothian’s Shears so you have almost 100% WPS. Star Pact only really benefits when it’s at odd numbers for the %CD reduction. Taking out one point is only a loss of 10% Cold Damage and you will gain a good WPS for the tradeoff. :+1:

There’s no “right way” to build in GD, so feel free to try things out and swap out equipment until you get a fun character - then do it again with another character. The fun never ends in GD! :partying_face: