Alright, so this is probably the best character I’ve kind of made on my own, but I’m trying to tweak my passive tree to where I can pick up giant’s blood to attach to my helm’s Prismatic Diamond as a save.
I can kill the dummies in about 20 seconds so my damage seems really good to me… so dropping a bit of damage from my tree seems fine, I’m just having a hard time figuring out how to do it.
If anyone cares to take a look, I do currently have one point in Berserker just so you do see that. I really like Phoenix fire… so I was thinking I would have to give up Typhos or Bard’s Harp, but as those give color’s I need… just trying to figure out how to go about it.
Edit: Hmm, just realized I could finish off Rumor for essentially 1 point, since that would allow me to take the 1 point out of Ghoul.
Edit2: Well, when I realized that about Rumor I messed around some more and came up with this:
I guess I’ll try it out. Giving up Typhos and Spider seems like a lot though, haha. Wanted to try with Giant’s Blood, and the two points into berserker and 1 extra into Ultos is nice though