Help with Archon Build Please

I need some help with my archon Archon, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I’m relatively new to the game, but want to focus on acid and vitality.

I’ve been looking at grimtools and noticed that a lot of legendary items tend to give bonuses to both acid and vitality so I think (in my noobish way) that it may be viable.

Nailing down skills is where I seem to have the most trouble.

Any tips and or advice is greatly appreciated. ty

@Retal_Abuser has been playing Dark One’s Archon recently, GT in descriptions: With such a thorough testing there’s a high chance of a build thread incoming.


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you will probably want to pick one damage type

With gear that focuses on vit and acid, an exclusive skill that does the same what exactly am I missing out on by using multiple damage types? (generally wondering here)

You need to focus on a particular skill - it’s the skills that determine how hard you hit, not particularly a damage type. Dark One’s Set focuses on Wendigo Totem, and even then, Wendigo Totem is not something that can carry you through the game. You’d need to focus on a specific skill and work on overcapping those skill bonuses.

The skill itself has flat damage, often bolstered by items with skill modifiers (like Dark One’s does with Wendigo Totem) that you want to focus on raising the damage as much as possible. In the case of Wendigo Totem, there’s zero flat Acid damage baked into the skill, so all the gear in the world won’t help it do Acid damage.

As for what skill you want to work it, it’s a matter of whether you like to be a runaway caster or up in your face melee. Dark One’s can support both caster and melee style, but for Archon, you definitely want to be a caster if you’re playing Dark’s One, as all of the melee abilities Shaman and Oathkeeper have are better supported by other sets.


Thanks for the well thought out response. You made a lot of good points.