We’re talking wayyyy back in the pre-AoM days, so that build has been long dead unfortunately. Honestly I just searched the grimtools for literally every item that granted a doom bolt proc and slapped it together, so not hard to replicate
I had such build too!
Basically this (updated with new items since I have not played such in like 1,5y)
(note, riftwarped gloves gives more recharge to doom bolt, but hey we loose one proc xD)
(note of the cabal suffix also give doom bolt proc on off-hands)
You also need reflect damage reduction, try to reach at least 70%
Reflected damage is a bigger issue with DoT builds ?
On my experience, yes.
Just realise you’re going with Goredrinker, so 10 point on Rebuke, 1 Titan Plating, and Owl devotion should be enough to reach 73%.
All of which I planned to get anyway
This is shaping up to be quite decent!
Took it out for a spin and this is what I’ve settled on for now.
I’m not a good enough player to try higher SR shards or anything, but I cleared a roguelike dungeon and it wend super smoothly.
I notice that with WoP and volcanic stride active, I get a LOT of procs going.
Any form of constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated.
Bleeding trickster