Hi, new to GD and loving it! I’m surprised there isn’t a “help” sub-forum, so I suppose I’ll post my questions here.
RESPEC: I need to know how to respec. Since this is my first play-through, I just placed points into every skill I could with the class I chose, slowly maxing the skills I liked better, but this has made me very weak. I read somewhere that an NPC can respec some of your skill points, but not masteries, whatever that means. I just need to respec all my points.
RESPEC#2: I need to respec my devotion points since I did much the same here and have minion based devotions but literally zero minion based skills. I thought I might have a use for it in the future, but don’t.
RESPEC #3: Not as important, but I’d also like to be able to respec my stat points since I have no idea where I initially placed them and might have tossed too many into spirit while I never/rarely benefit from that stat as a Soldier.
MAP ISSUES: Many quests tell me to go “East” or “West”, and I follow the compass on screen and my toon is without doubt traveling “west”, however on the global map, my position keeps showing me traveling East!!! I literally don’t understand it… I got to Homestead and the guy told me to clear out a field to the west. I’ve been traveling West the ENTIRE TIME, and the global map keeps showing me moving father and farther East. Is the global map compass upside down?
Thank you for any help to my questions above ahead of time. I’m greatly looking forward to your replies.
Respec NPC is in Devil Crossing top/left of screen on second floor.
Respec skill points cost iron bits
respec devotion I believe cost’s aether crystals
you can also get tonic of clarity potions that will allow you to completely respec your devotion tree.
Think they added another potion (not sure) that allows you to respec stat points.
As sfbistimg said there are ways to respec in the game. The Spirit Guide in Devil’s Crossing can undo both skill points and devotion points if you have enough iron/aether crystals. If you have the Ashes of Malmouth expansion you can also buy back the points you put into the mastery bars, although you can’t change your class once it’s selected. Also in the AoM expansion the Spirit Guide will be found at another location in the game.
For free respeccing there are a couple of tonics that you can get from quests.
As for the map, are you using camera rotation? If so, there’s a box in the Options Menu somewhere to tick to keep the map always pointing north so that might help.
There are a couple of useful resources for new players
3: If hold position the mouse over the attributes in the first tab in the char window, you can see how many points you have spent in each attribute.
See the other answers for how to refund attributes.
4: The compass on the minimap in the upper right corner is correct.
Just because you are aiming to west does not by logic mean that you have to go to the west ALL THE TIME. You might have to some to the east, some to the north, some to the south, some to the west, some to the north again, and so on.
See you first char as a learning experience, your second one will become much better and more straight forward
Nay, it’s an error in design. When I read the quest from Homestead about going “west” to clear the fields, I didn’t realize there was in fact an area NORTH past the city at all. The fields are actually NW, but anyway, I digress; I was physically following the path SW and every-time I checked the world-map, I was moving SE. The level designs aren’t reflected properly on the world-maps in terms of direction, especially when you’re having to move backwards through levels (since I took the Smugglers shortcut).
LOOT FILTER: This thing seems to be broken with all of my alt-tabbing out of the game to check external sources of info… At first, it was /NOT/ showing any components once I alt-tabbed back into game, even though components is and was on my drop filter (I only removed commons, magic items, and rares). I did /NOT/ mess with the drop filter prior to alt-tabbing and made sure everything was correct, yet still components would not show up without pressing and holding ALT, but everything else on my drop filter was working… So then I started messing with my drop filter and checking and unchecking everything, then setting it back to default, etc., and now it won’t show anything without holding ALT, period. Very frustrating experience, feels like the game is broken, but hopefully I just made a simple mistake. Any help much appreciated.
The problem? West is East in this game, lol. Just try running DOWN the map from Homestead going West and you’ll see what I’m talking about. I suppose since I discovered the fields NW, it’s not a big deal at all, but still a little obscure and brain racking.
Dude you have 5 posts, I have +2k and multiple beginner build guides and 13 level 100 toons. Do not “lol” me
The fields are located to the west, but you had to go there by moving in some other directions at first.
That quest bugged me for some time too, It took me 5 min to realize that I had to explore the Homestead a bit first so that I could get out of there and reach the fields.