The name’s Hyg and I really like how Grim Dawn is shaping-up and when I realized it’s being made by a part of the people who made Titan Quest (a game in which I sank a lot of hours ), I said I gotta be a part of this.
RPG’s are my favorite type of games from the deep story driven titles (like Mass Effect), to old skool gems (Baldur’s Gate, Icewind Dale and others) to the more hacky and slashy ones (Diablo, Titan Quest , Torchlight).
So I found out about the kickstarter thing, pledged and here I am making my first post on the official forum.
I wish you guys success in the making of this game and I hope to find the time to post more.
Amen to those old school refs: BG, IWD… and Planescape, i hope? Here’s to hoping Overhaul Games does a decent job with BG:EE, and (maybe) gets around to the latter two as well.
Welcome to the forums and community, glad you pledged some money towards Grim Dawn so it can come out faster I bet you will put more hours into this game than you did with TQ.