Hey there

Hey there

I am Pelvis,
I always been a big fan of Titan Quest and the expansion immortal throne,infact i was playing it today again,i still play it after all these years.

And i was dissapointed that there wouldnt be a Titan Quest 2 cos Iron Lore was gone,but since i heard the news they came back as Crate Entertainment and are making a sort of new Titan Quest game im super excited!!! :rolleyes:

Hi welcome to the forums, nice to see another new member join the ranks

and yes TQ was an awesome game, I feel GD will be awesome, so sit back and enjoy the ride

Hi Pelvis,

Welcome aboard. =)

Hello and welcome. You’ll find a lot of us are still playing TQIT as we wait for its spiritual successor to be launched. It’s been my main game for years.

Hello and welcome!

Glad to hear you’re still enjoying TQ. :smiley:

Hi Crate!

I’m kinda new to the forum - but not really coz I Pre-purchased Grim what seems like years ago - originally came here via TQ which I loved - so can’t wait to play Grim!