Greetings from what appears to be a poorly lit room with a bunch of computers. As far as I can tell this room is located some ware in a suburban part of America, there some flags and shush that help determent that sort of thing you know. Also cows there are cows, cows and flags.
I’m that strange guy who never really fits in with any group and always has crazy ideas that most everyone hears and just is all … what…???.?
Not to experienced with forums scene I tend to avoid them as they always seem to be filled almost entirely with idiots. but these forums seemed different and I love this game so I felt like i would give it a shot.
I apologies in advance if I say anything weird and such, not used to forums and also just kinda a strange guy hope fully this will go well and who knows I might even say something people find interesting.
Like hard / interesting / cool / crazy games:)
Love grim dawn.
Stay awesome Crate