Hi from a noob :)

Hey guys,

Just joined the forums yesterday!!! Hope to be active and helpful in the community!!

Warning some boring background approaching… :slight_smile:

Am a gamer first and then a developer mainly working on Multiplayer FPS-MMO’s and some action/adventure games.

Thinking about my future plans I realized out of all genres how much I loved ARPG’s and would be working towards that in the future. In the process found about Grim Dawn and got excited. The purchase page was down sometime back so couldn’t get the game… while the Facebook tab stayed open in my browser all the time, when the June-July screenshots were published, liked them a lot and came back to find that the purchase option is back up, so there I was with a legendary key 2 days after getting the Startcraft 2 Collectors edition and hanging around the forums reading posts instead of finishing the campaign.

Long story short would love to see Grim Dawn grow from the current stage to release with million copies sold and chip in with any help if possible :slight_smile:

See you guys around!!!


Welcome aboard mate!

I’d like GD to sell really well too so we can keep this game alive for a few years at least! The community is great so far, can’t wait to actually alpha/beta test the game and sort it out quick smart.