So nice to get a forum name with just Rix. Always fun.
I’m an avid ARPG player… have loved them since Diablo. Baldur’s Gate : Dark Alliance, Fate, even the now defunct Dungeon Runners. Titan Quest (specifically with the SoulVizier mod) is just amazing.
On that subject, is there any ‘unofficially official’ 3rd party app to be able to do Titan Quest multiplayer, since GameSpy’s gone?
Either way, I just finished all the available content (well, not all, still have Steppes) and I’m amazed by the quality and polish. Is it the biggest ARPG out there? No. If you focus entirely on Story stuff and don’t deviate from the path, sure it’s kinda short. But the folks at Crate here have done an awesome job making the zones so full of nooks and crannies and side areas to explore that it’s just AMAZING.
Looking forward to the next update and Chapter 2 of Act 3.
(one last little question. Is there any way to see my time /played on a particular character?)
You can always run VPN software like Hamachi or Tunngle to setup a virtual LAN and then play LAN games. It requires anyone you want to play with to have the same software though.