Having just registered i feel almost obligated to come here to say two (questionably necessary) things.
Hello to whoever it is that is reading this! May we always at least tolerate one another for the sake of civility…
I am quite in love with what this game has to offer despite being little more than a mere dunce with a lucky streak.
…This is probably the first time I’ve ever actually introduced myself anywhere. Pardon my probable ditziness.
Achievement unlocked “Met CornerMan”
Hiya, welcome to the forums.
My oh my, a visitor! I feel honored to have received such a warm welcome already.
Hi CornerMan and welcome!
PS. Is that a picture of Fallen Angel Flonne?
Salutations good sir!
PS. Good eye, it is indeed Fallen Angel Flonne
Welcome CornerMan! I hope you continue to enjoy Grim Dawn.
Welcome to GD, i am also a newbie here.