Hopes/Expectations for end-game in the Xpac

And he wants YOU too

I actually played around with that mod a bit many months ago. And I definitely had it in mind when i pitched my “pool of ~7-15 dungeons that have random (or many fixed) spawn points throughout the map” idea. I will definitely start to lurk around the mod section again…

Vineyard Manager Tycoon can be Crates next game. TBH if Crate put a rickroll behind a paywall there is a good chance I would buy it. And not to be that guy hating on transmog, but it feels like a rickroll :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyways, I feel there are still many rats to clear out of GD’s cellar before any talk of world peace and vineyards.

I want a version of Crucible where you compete to get the highest number of kills in a certain amount of time.

Solo, you are thrown in the ring with a number of enemy heroes that you can’t attack and can’t attack you. Enemies continuously spawn (none of this wave nonsense) and the team with the highest number of kills when time runs out wins. Higher difficulty increases the power and number of heroes you compete against.

In multiplayer, you do the same thing but the other team(s) are comprised of other players (untargetable, etc).

In order to make it slightly more than just a slaughterfest, upgraded heroes would spawn that have regenerator, shielding, freeze spells, teleportation, etc. I think a few other attributes could be added that would make it more dynamic (walling from D3 comes to mind).

I would play the shit out of this, and with multiplayer support I’m sure a lot of other people would too. I wouldn’t even really care if there were prizes.

I want a version of Crucible without the crappy walls that are in both my and my enemies way. I’d also like it to force enemies to LEAVE the spawn area, so that melee characters don’t have to run into a damage zone to kill them. Also, a SINGLE Spawn Point is more than enough, four is just annoying.

I think far and away the single most impactful thing to be done is steam workshop integration. Which, to my understanding, is fairly easy to set up.

I often show my friends an interesting mod but they are too afraid of their steamapps folder (or any semi deep diving on their PC, for that matter) to set them up. This would also look mighty sexy on the DLC steam store page, people love steam workshop and, IMO, it would definitely draw a few new players to the game. And for the ol’ crustys who do it the old fashion way (like myself), well we can keep on doing it that way. But workshop definitely fits in with the “lets expand GD to a broader audience” approach that the DLC seems to be taking.

Once again, the search function does not give me a lot of insight:

There has definitely been some hoopla about it on the steam forums, which I lurk from time to time :D.
The past few months people have been saying Crate confirmed no workshop support, I haven’t been able to find this however.

Crate are you listening? Please bless this thread!

This is a really neat idea, I think it would make sense within a “frequent content pack” model that has been touched on in this thread.

Edmund McMillen did something vaguely similar to this with the recent Antibirth expansion to Binding of Isaac, which started as (still is?) a mod. And god damn, is it awesome. Gotta love BoI :smiley: