Hospital bug

When a villager goes to hospital (or healer’s house) if they have low hunger level, they will starve as they won’t eat anything there. (0.9.6) Also I had this weird issue, a villager’s health dropped to 0 but survived, floats (lies on her back all the time) to any place I send, and is immune to any attack.

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I’ve also had this issue with multiple villagers standing at the entrance to the hospital. They are clickable and I tried sending a villager to their house to see if they would eat there, but it didn’t work. I’ve had this with villagers where the house is being upgraded and where it is not, so I don’t think that’s related.

One of the dead villagers was the same as OP stated, laying flat on the ground and still selectable and moves when you click somewhere, still doing voiceovers.

Also just to add, I moved the hospital using the relocate function and it seemed to help, as no new villagers displayed this behaviour after I relocated it. I forgot to make a note of the in-game time, but after about an hour of playing a mix of x2 and x3 speed the issue had not reoccured.