Hotkey confusion

A while ago I mentioned my troubles with my pc and getting the game to work. This was when we were trying to transfer saved game files. Let me reiterate.

The game was installed on my pc but I screwed up and had to get a bloke in to fix it. He created a separate USER so I was able to continue, but the file transfer problem meant I could no longer play. I accidentally found the original USER, so I now have USER 1 and USER 2. I am now able to play on both USERs, however USER 1 is accessed by a desktop shortcut and USER 2 is via the Steam page.

The confusion comes with the storage page. In USER 1 this is with the hotkey W, in USER 2 it’s with the hotkey R. I’ve not changed this in settings, and in USER 1 the hotkey for water is I but in USER 2 it’s W. Any ideas?