For reference, monsters lost 18% Run Speed across the board on Elite/Ultimate. Their minimum speed was reduced to 30% from 40% (40%, down from 50% for bosses, but bosses also had % Speed Resistance, which was reduced by 20%).
I didnt test too much but i noticed the difference immediately. Also slow target debuffs now actually work!
You know I didn’t mention it in my FoI changes thread, but I bet this change is part of what is making that skill feel better, too. Fewer situations where enemies are just running quickly back and forth pathfinding and impossible to keep them in the cone.
But I didn’t consciously notice this change while I was testing FoI changes, so I would say it’s not too dramatic a change.
I was already wondering what exactly the change was. Thanks for the clarification
For completeness sake, the slow resistance of nemesis is now 70% so you’re still not going to slow them down much, but it’s better than 90%.
I did a couple SR runs and the change is very noticeable, you can now get in an extra attack before you get swarmed and repositioning is sometimes even worth it. Though not always, a lot of critters are still way too fast for that to matter.
Why is this change happening? First Chargers, now all monsters? It’s already easy to outrun them or react to their movement.
I think the slow res change is very nice, the movement speed change feels rather unnecessary to me personally from my past experience.
I think these changes are great, especially the movement speed reduction, it feels good when you are with a distance character.
I’m liking the changes. Makes it feel safer to be a ranged build if I don’t have capped speed, I usually play SSF runs, and by no means are my reflexes perfect so it’s nice having more of a buffer.
I agree, the slow res reduction is noticeable which makes those debuffs feel more worthwhile, but I am not so sure about the speed reduction overall. Feels like it’s now (even) easier to just run away from “spicy” situations which I am personally not a fan of
Monsters slowed down, with their resistance to being slowed down reduced, while players get Max Move Speed increases is different.
Surface wise these changes may seem unnecessary or welcomed. I would say look at them in a vacuum because that’s what they are without knowing how any of the new systems in FoA will influence the speed of gameplay.
The capacity to slow or have slower mobs might be a big deal with the ascension system or add value to a more mobile game strategy.
My only problem so far is that already slow mobs (like reanimators or obsidian defilers) are even slower, and that doesn’t feel very fun.
Seconding the big guys too slow, the poor tree monsters and never gonna catch anyone like this
Changes feel like power creep, if I remember correctly game was balanced around speed cap (maybe I am wrong), now in this playtest we have buffed Hydra devotion for ranged builds, buffed ranged expertise, some boots with max run speed, new class will have max run speed. 18% monster run speed nerf is too much, maybe 5% is better to still be noticeable but not op, or just change monster slow res as RektbyProtoss and Halbrave said
If the changes are related to a bigger picture which we dont see yet i dont think there’s any point of asking for a revert. If there’s some boss/mechanic in FoA that depends on this movement speed rework then I think we should wait to see it in practice there and work our way up from there.
It’s strange and might be an observation error from small data sample but it feels like the mobs are now better at doing dmg, namely big clusters of mobs in SR. Maybe they get less confused by paths intersections, idk.
But it’s a welcomed effect if that’s the case cause regular mobs in SR were a little weak compared to bosses.
It definitely felt like this to me when testing FoI. Enemy behavior seemed less random and erratic, which was nice when trying to target them with the cone.