How are you suppose to use guns?

You just hate everything I love, don’t you, Korsar? :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding mate :smiley:

Me too, sir. :stuck_out_tongue:

well, ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I’m not quite sure what you’re responding to. Is it my suggestion leave armour alone?

You may have missed an edit I made to one of my posts earlier, mate. Apologes, I have ADHD, and so my thoughts often skip ahead of me - hence all the edits.

2nd EDIT: My suggestion is for there to be a total speed &/or OA penalty past a certain armor threshold. It makes sense to me. You’re not going to be able to attack as efficiently if you’re encased in a block of metal

Oh, I must’ve missed it then. It was mostly about retal builds dishing out damage like normal builds the normal way, which I was worried about even back then.

I rarely play range,but how you rank damages for that play style.Lightning on top,followed by fire,maybe.There are not many aether or vitality ranged builds.I was thinking at some point is it done dw ranged Apostate with Radaggan set?

No bueno. No good AA replacer. :confused:

I’ve tried a vitality defiler once:

It was by no means bad, it just wasn’t special.

I tried this Dagallon Purifier against Lokarr and that was an easy fight. Not as quick as the old Akdong build, but easy without sweating.

I killed Lokaar a few times with this vitality shooter. Many patches ago (a year?).

But it required knowing Lokaar, side-stepping his stuff etc. Not a face-tanker and not top-tier. It was fun enough, though. Devotions were oddly chosen on purpose, as at the time I was trying to test most of the devotions. Not recommended for FG.

My personal opinion of guns is that for new player best vay to go is thunderstrike vindicator. Best part of it is that thunderstrike is a spell, deflection is not of a problem there. Though most likely you’d want to respec into savagery around ultimate, just for that sween devotion spam from passive procs

Fire purifier is a pretty good too, but I find it a bit harder to start with since your default attack replacer do suffer from deflect. Not sure about piercing tactician though. Also wonder how gun based paladin would fair.

Personally I feel for gun character inquisitor is pretty much must have. Its passive abilities are really good - they provide aoe and chilling rounds has a high chance of devotion proc, word of renewal is a nice buff with healing factor.

Would it be worth trying to build something around the Ludrigan set, and the Arcanum Electrollis, vindicator with a focus on storm totem, savagery and maybe the storm box?

I fear there is simply no survivability and little mobility, but if someone has an idea to cope with that, that could be very fun to play.

My advice is to learn how to position and kite properly. The forced-attack function is your best friend.

To show you what I mean, this is a darkblaze pyromancer build I posted recently capable of beating SR 75 and naked crucible with good piloting (p.s. it is also SUPER squishy)

LULdrigan’s set feels a little underwhelming imo. Totems got nerfed and ludrigan’s doesn’t add enough damage while also being super squishy. Needs a buff in some way imo.
My experience only comes from playing it as a totem+panetti+wind devil Druid though. Maybe it’s better for Vindicators.

Well you are supposed to be able to tank things in this game. Gun build can easily be tanky enough to face tank most things. Your problem is either that you are too squishy so you have to kite, or you are stuck with the idea that ranged build is supposed to be used from afar. The latter is not really the case in grim dawn imo.

That’s why we complain the game does not offer the ranged playstyle much. Guns are glorified melee weapons. :frowning:

I strongly disagree.

You do double the damage when you shoot enemies point-blank. Most Gun builds even say something like: Stand near your enemies to shotgun them for maximum damage, which is a playstyle not everyone likes to play. I wish the game had 2 types of guns, shotguns/blunderbuss pistols and sniper rifles/single bullet pistols. That way you have one playstyle for melee guns and one for ranged guns.

Is this correct? Do you actually deal more damage the closer you get?

i thought of this yesterday as well, especially since most basic attack procs/skills have the caveat " if used with melee weapons hits multiple enemies" this should only be the case for rifles/ snipers and shotguns etc should be allowed to cleave with those skills. guns need some basic attack cleave outside of bursting round and brimstone imho